41: Chronicles of the Memories

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"That worked so well!" Loaf exclaimed, sharing a moment of amusement with the others.

"Exactly. What were you guys doing anyway? I heard you giggling earlier." Biffle asked.

"What do you mean? And how do you know we giggled?" Henwy asked.

"Uh, Loaf was in my mind?" Biffle replied.

Both Henwy and PatP looked at Loaf, giving him the side eye, making Loaf reply, "Oops."

"But it's not important. We were just looking at some past memory orbs." PatP replied.

"Can I see some?" Biffle requested.

"Go ahead!" Henwy replied, taking out a past orb, and recalling the time Sigils was groaning so much because of them 'sheeshing' so much. Biffle remembered that moment and snickered.

"Do you have the one where we pranked Garry with a voice changer?" Biffle asked.

"Sure I do." Henwy replied, taking out another past orb. Biffle looked at the past orb.

"Hey Garry, I've got a gift for you, it's a friendship bracelet." Biffle replied, passing GarryBlox a bracelet. GarryBlox gushed in awe. "A friendship bracelet?! You're the best, Biffle! No one has given me a friendship bracelet before!" GarryBlox squealed.

But what GarryBlox did not know was... that bracelet changes his voice.

When GarryBlox started speaking with Sigils, Sigils couldn't help but snicker silently. When GarryBlox realised he sounded high pitched, he exclaimed,


"Oh my gosh, that moment... that was so funny, I was laughing for weeks..." Loaf replied.

"It sure is." Henwy replied, putting the past orb back into its original spot.

"There's another one! The part where you were groaning so much because the other Regulars members blasted loud music!" Loaf relied, grabbing another past orb.

"Oh, don't remind me of that. It still haunts me till this day." Henwy replied coldly.

The Regulars blasted loud music late at night, to celebrate the death of the serial killer's highest ranked assassin, Lawler.

Unfortunately, they forgot Henwy hasn't slept for months, and didn't thought about that, and blasted loud music and danced the night away.

Meanwhile Henwy, in another room, covered his face with a pillow, groaning loudly.

"Ok, those moments were nice, but I was so thankful Ian came in to stop you guys and made me sleep." Henwy replied.

Just then, the Regulars heard a loud door open slam, seeing an enraged SSundee, his eyes glowing red. In their imagination, though.

"Hey! What are you guys doing?" SSundee asked. "It's 2am, for god's sake!"

"We were just partying at the death of the highest ranked serial killer." Nico replied.

"And you couldn't think of any other time than 2am?" Henwy asked, eyes groggy.

"Um... no?" Biffle guiltily replied.

"Henwy hasn't slept for like what, 3 months? Let him sleep." SSundee demanded. "Or I'll cease your assassin license."

"Fine, fine. We'll stop. Sorry Henwy." Sigils replied, apologising to Henwy.

"It's no biggie." Henwy replied, and yawned, until he slowly fell, but SSundee catches him.

"Well, at least he's sleeping now." SSundee replied.

"I remember sleeping for two days. You were so worried that I went into a coma." Henwy replied to Biffle.

"Yes I was. But that gave Sigils a heart attack more." Biffle replied.

Before Biffle returned to the real world, PatP whispered something to him, and Biffle's eyes widened. Promising PatP he would tell anyone, Biffle walks into the portal.

Biffle returns to the real world, and sees SSundee and Jerome awaiting for him, as the rest had went back to bed as it was already late.

"You're back pretty late." SSundee replied.

"Sorry." Biffle apologised.

"It's fine." SSundee replied.

Biffle walked into his room, and thought, Should I tell everyone about the secret Pat said to me?

Biffle gave it a second thought, and decided not to tell them, to give them a surprise. And to see their stupid shocked faces. That's what he'd enjoy.

The next day, the Regulars woke up for their duty. While running from building to building, Biffle couldn't help but wonder out aloud, "Hey, boys, when do you think we're getting our weapons?"

"I don't know man, but I can't wait to receive them." Nico replied.

"But Biffle, out of all things you can choose, you chose a bazooka?" Sigils asked.

"It wipes the heck out of the serial killers." Biffle replied, proud of his decision.

Sigils rolled his eyes. Typical Biffle...

"And inconvenient to carry too." Nico added.

"Yeah yeah, I get it, I know." Biffle replied, groaning. "I guess I never thought about the convenience."

"Anyways, how did the mission go?" Sigils asked, curiosity piqued.

"Boy, he was so shocked when he figured out I was disguised when he knew the assassins being disguised was a thing. He's so dumb!" Biffle exclaimed.

"Wow, what an idiot." Nico replied.

After running a while, they don't see any serial killers in sight. They thought to call it a day and head back to the base. But when they returned to the base, they saw someone familiar...

Sigils and Nico gasped when they saw who he was.





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