96: Final Battle Arc; Mitzefy and Biffle vs. Yakoun Pt. 3

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Yakoun tells Biffle that he knows his way with words, he is mistaken. The demon claims heaven and hell don't exist, figments of human fantasies. To him, the humans who live righteously suffer tragedies, while the evil live free to do whatever they want, adding that since divine punishment doesn't exist, mentally weak people therefore believe the evil go to hell upon death. He tells them that they keep this belief deep in their minds and calls humans pitiful.

"If hell doesn't exist, I'll create one for you!" Biffle declared, and charges, and Yakoun retaliated with freezing clouds, and Biffle blocks it by shooting a large bullet out of his bazooka and exploding everything everywhere. Thinking he caught him, both Biffle and Mitzefy saw him at the exit of the room, and as he summoned something called a crystalline divine child to fight the assassins,and Yakoun opens the door of the cult room, his face begins to melt, confusing him, to Mitzefy's hope. He collapses to the floor and suddenly thinks back to Kate.

"Did Kate... sacrifice herself... to kill me... with poison?!" Yakoun realised.

In a flashback, Mitzefy and Kate converse about if they ever encountered a demon.

"At the very least, the power of a demon is comparable to three assassins." Kate predicted.

"However, according to the information from Henwy, this demon is a glutton with an abnormal obsession of eating women." Kate added.

"But if it's obsession with eating women, then why did it kill your dad too?" Mitzefy asked.

"Jealousy." Kate stated. "He liked my mom, but my dad obviously was angry. He'll certainly eat an assassin with exceptional physical abilities and an excellent body."

"No..." Mitzefy whispered.

"At present, I have a high concentration of poison made by Henwy and Loaf... circulating through my blood and internal organs, even down to the tip of my fingernails." Kate stated.

"Then I'll do it too—" Mitzefy volunteered, but Kate rejected her help. Kate tells her it is impossible to reach her level; she had been absorbing the poison for over a year. Kate confesses she was the first to do such a feat, herself unsure of the potential side effects in the future and unsure if her plan would work on a demon or even the demon king. She states her sword has 50 millilitres of poison. But whatever demon consume her would also consume her 37 kilograms worth of poison in her body weight.

Yakoun collapses further from the effects of Kate's poison, his arm falling off, his bones melting and his regeneration failing. He realises he never felt the poison circulate through him until now. His ice dolls soon fracture and collapse as well, to Biffle's confusion. Mitzefy realises Kate's poison is working and they now have Yakoun cornered.

"What the hell is that?! Is this one of his traps?!" Biffle exclaimed.

"No it isn't!" Mitzefy yelled. "It's Kate's plan! Aim for his neck! Press him all at once!"

"Die, you rotten bastard!" Biffle yelled, aiming for his neck. As the sword almost decapitates Yakoun, ice particles started to form, almost freezing Biffle. "Agh... dammit! I cant cut it!" He yelled.

Mitzefy yelled, and threw her kunai at their direction, hurling her kunai at Yakoun.

Her swords hit Biffle's kunai, driving the kunai through Yakoun's neck, decapitating him.

As Yakoun falls, he accepted the fact of being defeated. In the afterlife, Kate holds Yakoun's head in her right hand, the former expressing relief at Yakoun's death. With a smile, she states, "Finally, you're dead. Now I can be at peace."

Yakoun greets her, and compliments Kate about the intensity of the poison she used on him; claiming he didn't notice the poison until it had fully circulated his body. Kate explains that Henwy and Loaf had assisted in making that poison, expressing her slight frustration that if she could, she would have wanted to kill Yakoun with a poison she had made herself. Suddenly, Yakoun claims that his missing heart feels like it is beating--asking Kate whether this was love, expressing his surprise that emotions did indeed exist.

He then goes on to think that heaven and hell may exist as well; asking Kate, "Hey, Kate? Wanna go to hell with me?". To this, the latter tells him to go to hell already.

As the two watch as Yakoun disintegrated, Biffle then collapses to his knees, crying. "Why... didn't I know... this sooner...? I'm so foolish!"

As Mitzefy squatted down to assist Biffle, she was suddenly greeted with wisteria flowers surrounding her, and to see Kate, and her former girlfriend, Jojo, who died to Yakoun.

"You did well..."


Mitzefy then starts shedding tears silently, resting on Biffle's back. After a while, she strands up, and offers her hand to pull Biffle up.

"We can't be here forever. We have to help the others."

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