24: Echoes of Shadows

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Biffle and Nico returned from the market, settling into Sigils's room where curiosity sparked the question about Alxton's covert strategies.

"So, what did he do?" Sigils inquired.

"He pretended to be a cobbler and acted scared when they mentioned knives," Nico explained, widening Sigils's eyes. "Huh, I've really chosen the correct person to be our trusted swordsmith," Sigils replied proudly.

"You sure did," Jerome responded, entering the room.

"Hey, Jerome!" Biffle exclaimed, waving his hand.

"Hey, Austin," Jerome replied, a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Are you alright? Something's wrong..." Sigils asked, concerned.

"I know we can still speak with Henwy from the afterlife, but do you ever feel that it feels... boring without him?" Jerome pondered.

The Regulars sighed in agreement. "You know, Jerome, you're right," Nico confirmed, laying on the bed.

"Yeah, if he was here right now, he'd help us practice some of his moves, like the time he kicked a man in the face who tried to coerce Kate," Biffle recalled.

"And Henwy was the reason Kate joined the assassins," Sigils added.

Before Kate became an assassin, she was a cosplayer and Twitch streamer. One day, a man approached her with homemade 'sugar,' and a dangerous situation unfolded. Kate resisted, but the man forcibly pinned her to a wall. As she bit him and screamed, someone intervened, revealing himself as a hooded figure.

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"One of her friends. And if you don't let go, you get it from me," he warned.

"What are you gonna do? Call the police?" the man scoffed.

Without hesitation, the hooded figure delivered a powerful kick to the man's face, saving Kate.

Kate gasped, and begged to ask who he was. When he revealed himself, she couldn't contain her shock. It was Henwy, and he'd happen to hear Kate's scream as he came back from his home village.

"Are you hurt, Kate? Your boyfriend texted you, but you didn't respond, so that's when he texted me. You okay?" Henwy asked.

"I'm fine, but how did you do that?" Kate asked in shock.

"You'll learn it with intense training! That's why I joined the assassins. If you want to learn those moves, you can join too," Henwy explained, suggesting Ian as the leader.

"If it takes to defend myself from people like him, then I'm in!" Kate replied.

"Hey, dude? I think you broke my nose." The man who'd Henwy punched replied weakly.

"Only your nose? I was aiming for your whole face." Henwy joked, making Kate chuckle.

"Because of Henwy, Kate became an assassin and got revenge on the people who let her down," Biffle groaned.

"And she's even as strong as all of us," Nico added.

"Aww, those are some nice words you have for me," a voice interrupted, making them jump.

The voice belonged to Henwy, who had been listening to their conversation.

"Hellooooo!" he greeted.

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