107: Final Battle Arc; Reconciliation

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SSundee's voice echoed with genuine confusion, his brow furrowed as he struggled to understand The Shadowcaster's hostility.

"You betrayed me," The Shadowcaster growled, his grip tightening on his sword. "You turned your back on our alliance and left me to face the consequences alone."

"I didn't betray you," SSundee shot back, his own frustration bubbling to the surface. "I had no part in whatever vendetta you've concocted in your mind."

The tension between them crackled like lightning, threatening to ignite into violence once more.

Before he could ponder further, a sudden flurry of movement caught their attention. Crainer, accompanied by Slogo, Nico, Mitzefy, and Biffle, stormed into the chamber, their expressions grim but determined.

"I messed up, guys. I was dealing with personal issues when I returned home. I never meant for any of this to happen," Crainer confessed, glancing at SSundee with a mixture of guilt and apology.

The Shadowcaster, though still wary, couldn't ignore the sincerity in Crainer's voice. Slogo added, "We can't let our personal issues tear us apart when a greater threat looms over us."

Just as a fragile agreement seemed within reach, the ground trembled, and the demon king unleashed a relentless assault. The assassins, now united, faced the overwhelming threat.

Amidst the chaos, Henwy and Tubbo, who had been observing from a distance, intervened. Henwy slashed through the demon king's tentacles, and Tubbo struck its right arm with a precision that left the creature reeling.

Tubbo turned to the gathered assassins and killers, revealing a shocking revelation, "The real culprit behind our alliances breaking apart was the demon king's manipulation. It created chaos among us, turning friends into enemies."

"We've all been manipulated by the true enemy here," Henwy continued, his voice calm but commanding. "Believe it or not, the demon king has played us against each other for too long. It's time we put aside our differences and focus on the real threat."

Henwy placed a reassuring hand on SSundee's shoulder, emphasizing Tubbo's words. "We've all been through a lot, but now is the time to put our differences aside. Join us in this alliance."

As the realization dawned on the group, they redirected their attention to the looming threat. The Shadowcaster's gaze softened slightly as he regarded Henwy's words, a flicker of doubt crossing his features. SSundee stepped forward, his hand outstretched in a gesture of peace.

"We may never see eye to eye," he said, his voice quiet but resolute. "But together, we can defeat the demon king and put an end to his reign of terror."

Mitzefy and Biffle nodded in agreement, their expressions earnest as they extended a hand towards The Shadowcaster.

"We may have our differences," Nico acknowledged, "but we all share a common goal: to defeat the demon king and bring peace to our realm."

For a long moment, The Shadowcaster said nothing, his gaze fixed on SSundee's outstretched hand. And then, slowly, almost imperceptibly, he reached out, his fingers brushing against SSundee's palm.

"Let's end this," SSundee declared, his voice echoing with newfound resolve. "Together."

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