45: Night Market Arc; Eternal Shadows

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"Demons exist?! I thought they died eons ago!" Nico exclaimed, his voice laced with disbelief.

"Apparently not! Come on, follow me!" Alxton replied, pulling the trio along.

They hurried towards a road near a hot spring bath, searching for Kate.

"Are we looking for Kate?" Sigils asked, trying to keep pace.

"Why don't we split up?" Nico suggested.

"Alright. Sigils and I will find Kate, and you and Henwy will find wherever this 'demon' is," Alxton declared, setting the plan in motion.

"We've never fought demons before..." Henwy admitted, feeling a bit uneasy.

"We can do this! We've learned this before, we've got to behead them," Nico encouraged, attempting to boost morale.

As Henwy and Nico ventured off, Kate came running towards them, panic evident in her voice. "Sigils! Alxton! You won't believe what happened!"

"What's going on?" Sigils inquired, concerned.

"I saw a creepy monster with 3 eyes!" Kate exclaimed, her distress palpable.

"That's the demon!" Alxton replied, connecting the dots.

"Demons? Didn't they exist like eons ago?" Kate asked, trying to make sense of the situation.

"We'll need you to explain what happened, Kate," Sigils requested, trying to gather as much information as possible.

"Okay! So um, I was having a hot spring bath because I saw one and I wanted to relax for a little, until I saw a lot of villagers running away from something, and I saw that thing chasing a villager, and then... devouring him. It was so scary!" Kate recounted her terrifying experience.

"Oh, just great, we sent Henwy and Nico to find the demon for nothing!" Sigils groaned in frustration, feeling the weight of their mistake.

"But the alarm was pretty loud, and that usually means there's more than one demon," Alxton added, trying to strategize.

"So that means there's another one lurking around," Kate surmised.

"You can handle it, Kate. What should we do?" Sigils asked, placing his confidence in her abilities.

"What?! Me?! Why?" Kate questioned, surprised at the sudden responsibility.

"You're a high-ranked assassin," Alxton reminded her, trying to reassure her.

"But I do have a plan," Kate said confidently. "I suggest that since Alxton is not an assassin, he should go and hide. Sigils and I will keep a lookout for any danger, and if at any point we see Henwy or Nico, we get their attention for another plan."

"What plan?" Sigils asked, curious about her strategy.

"You'll see when we meet with them," Kate replied, keeping the details under wraps.

"Maybe not the best idea, but it works," Alxton replied. "I'll go hide now, I guess."

As Alxton made his way to safety, Sigils and Kate jumped from building to building, ensuring the safety of the villagers. Along the way, they encountered a few dead bodies, a grim reminder of their duties as assassins.

"We've done a horrible job as assassins! We're supposed to be protecting them, but they're dead!" Kate cried out in distress, feeling the weight of their failure.

Sigils stared at the lifeless bodies, a haunting reminder of a past tragedy flashing through his mind.

The scene was all too familiar—chaos, blood, and the deafening silence after the storm of violence. Sigils found himself amidst a gruesome scene, reliving a haunting memory.

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