33: Unseen Betrayal

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

SSundee's eyes widened in shock. "What do you mean Lance was the reason Crainer died?" he questioned.

"It all started when Crainer had a mission with Jelly," Henwy began, unfolding a tale of friendship, betrayal, and sacrifice.

Jelly and Crainer were best of friends. They did everything together, prank their friends, play games, train together, eat together, basically doing everything together their whole life. Until one day, they had a mission, that they never knew, would end their friendship.

One day, they were called for a mission together, as the Shadowcaster was near their base, which by the way, is the serial killer's current base.

As they confronted the Shadowcaster, Crainer hesitated, recognizing the familiar beard beneath the plague doctor mask. A deadly encounter unfolded, with Crainer asking Jelly to retreat, Jelly did not listen and lunged at the Shadowcaster, but didn't realise he had a tranquilliser behind him, and was about to get killed.

Crainer realised this and pushed Jelly away from danger, and he takes on a poison serum stuck in the tranquilliser. Crainer flinches, and went on his knees, gritting his teeth in pain, making Jelly worried.

"Crainer?! Are you okay?!" Jelly asked, concern etched across his face.

"Jelly, please, just run. He's Lance, he's the one that's against me and Ian," Crainer whispered, urging Jelly to flee.

"I can't leave you-" Jelly said, but Crainer shut his mouth.

"You have to go, tell Josh, please." Crainer pleaded, but Jelly was hesitant to let him go. As Crainer shut his eyes, Jelly panicked, and dragged Crainer, retreating. Their bond tested, Jelly hesitated, torn between loyalty and survival.

The Shadowcaster, revealing no mercy, pursued them. In a heartbreaking twist, Crainer's fate seemed sealed, accepting his fate to die alongside with Jelly.

But that fate didn't happen, when an assassin descends from behind the Shadowcaster and lands on his back, causing the Shadowcaster to lose hold of his tranquilliser.

Jelly, clinging to Crainer's lifeless body, witnessed the dramatic rescue. It was Slogo, a high ranked assassin, and the assassin vice leader.

Slogo's stern warning to the Shadowcaster echoed through the tense air. "Touch them, and you end up like him," he declared, pointing to Crainer's lifeless form.

As the Shadowcaster retreated, Slogo turned his attention to Jelly, and pats his shoulder. "Jelly, it's life and death. You have to keep moving on," he advised, offering a harsh lesson in the reality of their perilous lives.

"Fine. But I want to give Crainer a proper burial," Jelly insisted, his grief palpable.

"Fine, we can do that. Let's go," Slogo agreed, and together, they carried Crainer back to their base.

"And after that, since Wisp died, Slogo took the leadership of the assassins, and decided to shift their base to somewhere else, and leave no clue behind. Unbeknownst to them, the serial killers claimed their abandoned base, but luckily for us, they never found any signs of assassin related books, weapons or stuff." Henwy concluded.

"If you knew about this, then why didn't you tell us?" SSundee questioned, grappling with the revelation.

"I figured it out when I was reading one of your books in your restricted library," Henwy explained, shedding light on his discovery.

"How do you know I have a restricted library?" SSundee asked, puzzled.

Henwy looked at him, and gave him the 'are you serious?' look, and rolled his eyes, reminded, "You told all of us before, did you forget?"

"I said that? I must have forgotten!" SSundee confessed, bewildered.

"Ugh..." Henwy groaned, suggesting SSundee return to sleep as it was already midnight.

As SSundee headed downstairs, he couldn't resist one last question. "By the way, Henwy."

"What do you want?" Henwy sighed.

"If it's possible, can you tell me where the book you were referencing is?" SSundee inquired.

Henwy, on the verge of frustration, smacked his head, about to send him to join him in the afterlife, but SSundee quickly realized his mistake. "Never mind, I remember! You told me earlier! It was in my restricted library!" he chuckled.

"But in which part of my restricted library?" SSundee asked innocently.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Henwy exclaimed, his patience finally wearing thin.

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