83: Final Battle Arc; Kate vs. Yakoun

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The night was shrouded in an eerie darkness, the only illumination coming from the pale moonlight. A chilling wind whispered through the air as Kate found herself face to face with a demon named Yakoun, whose appearance mirrored the color of blood spilled over his head.

"Nice to meet ya! My name is Yakoun, nice night, huh?" he greeted with a sinister grin, his laughter echoing ominously. However, the night took a drastic turn when Kate noticed a desperate woman pleading for help.

"H-Hel- Help me!" the woman begged.

The demon silenced her attempts for survival, aiming to end her life. In a swift and decisive move, Kate intervened, saving the woman just in the nick of time. Concerned, she asked if the woman was okay, but the victim could only gasp for words, still in shock.

Yakoun, intrigued by Kate's intervention, questioned, "Wow! Are you a high-ranked assassin?"

Before the victim could respond, Yakoun mercilessly ended the woman'a life with a swift attack. With a cruel smile, he remarked, "Don't worry about that! Just leave her there, I'll make a proper meal of her later."

The realization hit Kate like a tidal wave; the demon's preferred method of attack involved sharp fans, triggering painful flashbacks of her deceased parents, murdered by this very demon.

"You're insane. Is your head alright? You really make me sick," Kate remarked, her voice filled with contempt.

Unfazed, Yakoun responded with an offer to listen, claiming, "Well, we've never met before, but you're really prickly. Something painful must have happened to you, but I'll listen to you; you can tell me."

Kate, fueled by anger and grief, clutched her cloak tightly, retorting, "What do you mean 'painful'?! You killed my parents! Do you remember seeing this color? It was my mom's favorite color!"

Yakoun, with a twisted smile, acknowledged the memory and expressed regret over not consuming them before sunrise. However, his words were cut short as Kate retaliated, striking him in the eye with her dagger.

Impressed by her skill, Yakoun unleashed a powerful attack. Kate, quick on her feet, backflipped to dodge the assault but inadvertently inhaled the ice powder scattered by Yakoun.

The cold air pierced Kate's lungs, causing her to gasp. As she angrily waited for the next move, Yakoun observed her closely, a flicker of recognition crossing his demonic features.

"You're trained by Henwy, aren't you?" Yakoun asked, catching Kate off guard.

Surprised by the revelation, Kate demanded to know how he knew. Yakoun began recounting a tale that unfolded like a dark saga of revenge.

"Your parents were kind souls, not until they met me. They knew a little bit of martial arts, so they tried to attack me. Well, they weren't that strong after all," Yakoun started, pausing for Kate's reaction.

With determination in her eyes, Kate urged him to continue. Yakoun delved deeper into the past, describing how Henwy, a young warrior, had confronted him on the day he had taken Kate's parents.

"Whatever. He battled me until dawn, and when the sun rose, I had to flee. All I remember is that he was trying his best to use medicine to revive them, but I had already burst both their lungs," Yakoun confessed, a sick enjoyment evident in his demonic tone.

As the twisted revelation unfolded, Yakoun's sadistic pleasure in recalling the past became apparent. Kate, however, remained resolute, her eyes burning with a newfound intensity.

"This is fun! Honestly, getting poisoned by him was interesting! Do you think the next compound would work? Let's try!" Yakoun suggested, reveling in the macabre memories.

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