26: Uniform Resurgence

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In the realm beyond life, Henwy navigated the ethereal stream of souls, pausing only to question Loaf about his well-being.

"What did Sigils mean earlier, Loaf?" Henwy asked, curiosity etched on his spectral face.

Loaf proceeded to unravel the mysteries, leaving Henwy gasping in shock. Quick reassurances followed.

"I hope you're okay now, Loaf," Henwy offered, a flicker of concern in his otherworldly gaze.

"Yeah, I am. Now come on, let's continue what we were doing," Loaf replied, and the afterlife's mysteries resumed.

Meanwhile, in the tangible world, Jerome, Biffle, Nico, and Sigils honed their skills. SSundee barged in, questioning their purpose.

"Hey, boys, what are you doing?" SSundee inquired, disrupting their training session.

"Revising Henwy's training earlier," Jerome explained.

"What do you mean by Henwy?! Is he alive?" SSundee probed, injecting urgency into the conversation.

"Apparently Pat found a way for guardians to summon guardians to the real world," Biffle disclosed. "We had a battle, and he dodged flawlessly, so we wanna practice for the next time he visits."

"Ahh, I see," SSundee acknowledged, bridging the gap between realms.

Nico, curious about SSundee's sudden appearance, questioned, "What brings you here?"

"The Guardian of Heaven, Crainer, visited, and he had some information," SSundee explained, setting the stage for an impending revelation.

"We'll have a meeting. At the meeting room," SSundee declared, ushering them to gather.

In the meeting room, suspense hung in the air as SSundee dropped a bombshell.

"Apparently, the serial killers have uniforms now, so..." SSundee began, leading to a collective gasp.

"And...?" Biffle pressed, eager for more information.

"We're gonna have to have uniforms as well!" SSundee announced, instigating a whirlwind of thoughts among the guardians.

"...that's it?" Nico questioned, searching for deeper significance.

As discussions unfolded, the need for uniforms became clearer. Kate introduced the swordsmith's volunteered creations - a black gakuran jacket, a white belt, and baggy tobi trousers with hidden compartments.

SSundee justified the shift, emphasizing the durability and functionality of the uniforms against potential threats.

"He decided to keep his identity a secret, and I couldn't understand why," SSundee added, leaving a lingering air of mystery.

The meeting concluded with everyone pondering over their new attire. Sigils, however, visibly relieved, caught Jerome's attention.

"Are you alright, Andrew?" Jerome inquired, concern etched on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank god Crainer didn't tell Ian about the Shadowcaster's identity," Sigils responded, echoing a shared sentiment.

Hours later, SSundee announced the arrival of the uniforms. Impressed by their quality, the guardians experimented with styles.

"I suggest you put a cloak over it. For more style, I would say," Kate recommended, introducing the idea of adding a cloak.

In the evening, the Regulars personalized their coats with distinctive colors. However, Jerome opted for simplicity, sparking playful banter among his companions.

As the group immersed themselves in discussions, Henwy and Slogo, the Guardian of Hell, materialized, announcing an impending rebirth.

"Hey, guys!" Henwy greeted, creating a momentary fright. Biffle's reaction led to a comical scene, adding a touch of humor to the meeting. He screamed and jumped, making Nico catch him bridal style. Nico rolled his eyes and dropped Biffle on the ground, making Biffle groan in pain.

"Sorry for scaring you, but I've some news!" Henwy announced. He was about to tell them what he had but realised what they were wearing. Being his curious self, he inquired, "Before I tell you, what are you all wearing?"

"New uniforms! Ian suggested to make new uniforms for all of us as our normal clothing would instantly tear." Nico explained.

"Kate suggested to add cloaks for more style, but I wanted to be simple so I didn't put any cloak on." Jerome added.

"I see. I'd be wearing a cloak if I were you, Jerome, representing people I care the most!" Henwy suggested.

"Anyways, Henwy just wanted to say Loaf and he could choose to be reborn soon! They just don't know when, and I don't know when I'll be reborn either." Slogo replied.

"Only the Guardian of Heaven and Hell, Jelly has to stay behind to control Heaven and Hell, the Guardian assistants, to control the Time Realm and Pat too, to control and assist the Time Realm with the assistants and to communicate with the alive." Slogo added.

"Well that's great news!" Sigils replied. "When you're reborn, I just know you're gonna uppercut us so bad." He added.

"Oh don't worry about that, I'd give you a headstart." Henwy reassured.

As they discussed, they suddenly heard a familiar scream.

"What was that?" Biffle asked.

"It sounded like Kate's scream when I saved her from harassment!" Henwy replied.

The Regulars and Jerome ran to wear the sound was, and to see the two women Kate and Mitzefy panicking.

What could have happened?

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