102: Final Battle Arc; Eternal Pursuit

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A raucous caw echoed through the air as the crow announced, "Asmodeus has been located! All fighters must gather!"

Zud, shocked by the news, exclaimed, "No way! While we were stalled here, he's been located after so long?!"

As Zud continued to battle the demon, Loaf went deep in thought.

Jerome and Wilbur died. But they defeated the demon. I've just been wasting time compared to what they've done. The demon's power isn't highly lethal, but she's dragging out this game of cat and mouse, so I can't cut off her head and end this!

This demon has held two assassins and a serial killer, and I think I have to do something to get away from her, otherwise, she'll prevent us from joining up with the other assassins and serial killer.

Amidst the chaos, Kwebbelkop voices his frustration at the orders to abandon their current battle. "What kind of order is that?" he demands, his tone incredulous. "Are we just supposed to abandon our comrades and confront Asmodeus alone?"

He is then suddenly whisked away by the hem of his cloak by someone as Carriaxa plays her guitar again.

Meanwhile, Asmodeus who was standing amidst the corpses of all the victims he had killed is suddenly teleported into a large room with Sigils and Karan joining him. Sigils is shocked to see the demon. Enraged, he grips his sword tightly and looks fiercely at Asmodeus but Karan said, "Sigils, calm yourself. Just calm down."

"You're as persistent as ever," Asmodeus remarked, his voice dripping with disdain.

This was Asmodeus' second form already? Sigils couldn't fathom it.

"You're always yapping about avenging your families or friends or your children or your siblings. Isn't it enough that you're still alive?" Asmodeus asked.

"So what if I killed your loved ones? Consider yourself lucky and carry on with your lives." Asmodeus stated.

Sigils recoiled at the callousness of Asmodeus' words. "How can you say that?" he demanded, his voice quivering with emotion

"Think of it as they simply met with some natural disaster." Asmodeus suggested.

"There's no need to make it more complicated than that." Karan stated.

"Rain, wind, volcanoes, earthquakes... no matter how many people they kill, no one seeks revenge against them. Besides, the dead will not return to life, let go of your grudges, and just go about your business and live a quiet life." Asmodeus stated.

"That's what most people do. So why don't you? There's only one reason. Because fighters are abnormal. And I'm tired of seeing you; I just want this to end." Asmodeus suggested.

"But we are not like most people," Sigils retorted defiantly. "Our comrades have been resurrected. You may be ancient, but you are ignorant of our resilience. And for that, we cannot allow you to persist any longer."

"We can't let you exist anymore."

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