11: The Pact

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The moment froze as Biffle's eyes widened in shock. The Time Guardian, who stood before him, was none other than...

"Henwy?" Biffle stammered, his voice barely a whisper as he processed the improbable revelation.

"Yes, it's me Biffle. I am the Time Guardian, or the Time Lord, whatever you call me. Welcome to the Time Capsule." Henwy replied.

"But how did you- wha- you were dead- wha- WHAT'S GOING ON?!" Biffle asked, questions overflowing.

"I know this is shocking and all, but you've recently read a book in my old library and figured out about the Guardians of the Afterlife. So I thought you'd be the perfect person to change that future." Henwy explained.

"But why me? I'm not smart... I survive because of... pure luck." Biffle grumbled.

"I did wanted to ask someone first, but I decided you'd be better, as it involves with Ambrew." Henwy replied.

"Ambrew?" Biffle asked. "What about him?"

"If you don't change the future, he'll die." Henwy stated.

"What?!" Biffle gasped in shock.

"That's why I chose you, because you're the only one with Ambrew during the mission." Henwy replied.

"What do I need to do?" Biffle asked.

"You need to go to the past, grab the Resuscitated Amethyst before Lookumz gets it, and use it on Ambrew, so that he'd be revived in the future." Henwy explained.

"But using the Resuscitated Amethyst has a great price to pay, right? And if I use it does that mean I die?" Biffle asked.

"Only this time it's in the future and it's reversed. The person that killed Ambrew would be the one sacrificed instead, so in that case, Russell's life would be sacrificed." Henwy reassured.

"Where is the Resuscitated Crystal? As far as I remember when I was dead, you went to Panhenge to find the crystal but Lookumz wielded it, so how did he find it?" Biffle questioned.

"It was buried in between the rock formations of Panhenge, and Loaf will help you." Henwy replied. LoafX bowed and asked, "Are you ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." Biffle replied.

LoafX opened the portal and he went in, but as Biffle was about to enter, Henwy called him out.

"Oh, one more thing, Biffle." Henwy added.

"What is it?" Biffle asked.

"Do not tell anyone about this." Henwy warned sternly.

Biffle nodded, and followed LoafX behind.

One day before Lookumz found the crystal, Biffle and Loaf travelled to Panhenge and dig out the middle of the rock formations, and found the Resusciated Crystal. They took it, travelled back to the Time Capsule, and Henwy opened the portal to the future where Ambrew dies.

Russell had left the scene where Ambrew was, and he was laying on the floor dead. Biffle said the code words that would bring him back and indeed, Ambrew was brought back to life, but was confused at what happened. Biffle promised that he would explain everything later on.

Loaf then travels back to the past, and places the Resusciated Amethyst back to where it was, and went back to the Time Capsule.

"Well done Biffle, I knew you could do it." Henwy praised. Biffle nodded but his head hung low.

"What's wrong?" Henwy asked.

"The Regulars do miss you, but can I really not tell them?" Biffle asked.

"I'm afraid you can't Biffle, if you do, lives would be put in danger." Henwy said.

"But you have to tell Ambrew everything, he can be trusted." Henwy added.

"Okay." Biffle said.

LoafX led Biffle back to the portal and Biffle looked at Henwy one last time and said, "I hope we see each other again."

Henwy nodded and Biffle walks through the portal.

"Biffle, if you want to tell someone other than Ambrew, Garry and Ian can be trusted." LoafX said.

"Trusted? How so?" Biffle asked.

"You'll see." LoafX said.

There was Biffle, back in the present, with a concerned Ambrew. "What was that, Biffle?! Did I die but get revived?! And where did you go?!" Ambrew's questions flooded. Biffle sighs and explains everything.

"That's what happened. So Henwy's the Time Guardian or Time Lord, whatever you call it, and Loaf's his assistant?" Ambrew recalled. Biffle confirmed it by nodding. "But we can't tell anyone, not even our assassins, you got that?" Biffle said, and Ambrew signals by using his hand, signalling he'll keep his mouth shut.

Biffle was still confused at the message LoafX said.

"Garry and Ian can be trusted."

Questions raised from Biffle's head and he demanded answers, so he wanted to question them.

"Hey Zud," Biffle greeted.

"Hey Biffle! What's up?" Zud asked.

"Do you know where Garry and Ian are?" Biffle asked.

"Well I don't know, but Kate knows, maybe you can ask her?" Zud suggested.

Biffle nods and thanks Zud. He walks to Kate hoping that she knew where they were.

"Oh, Garry and Ian? They're at Henwy's room. I don't know why but they're there." Kate replied

Biffle thanked Kate and walked towards Henwy's room, to see Garry and Ian discussing something.

"Oh um... hey Biffle, what's up?" GarryBlox stammered.

"Speak the truth. Have you met the Guardians of the Afterlife?"

GarryBlox and SSundee's eyes widened, and they looked at each other. SSundee broke the silence and said,

"How did you know?"

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