57: Night Market Arc; Clash of Shadows

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As Sigils, Nico and Kate, the assassins are nearly at their limit. He looks to the sky and sees that dawn is about to break.

Recalling Crainer's current engagement with Abaddon and knowing he will soon run out of stamina and the demons will inevitably flee from the sunlight, he resolves to hasten his efforts but becomes frustrated by the villagers and swordsmiths outpacing them each time.

He motivates himself to find the push and not let Abaddon win but suddenly experiences a sharp pain in his left leg, slowing him down to a hobble. As he tries to find a way to help him continue, he remembers Biffle's words explaining the focus on the user's legs.

"Only by being conscious of all of them do you truly achieve concentration. That's what Jerome always said. Surprisingly, we don't have a clear grasp of our body's dimensions and the shapes of our muscles."

"Build up the strength in your legs to every fiber of your muscles, circulate air and to every blood vessel, build it up, and let it go in one blast that cuts the air like a thunderclap!"

With this in mind, Sigils decides he will attempt to circulate his oxygen into each part of his muscles and blood vessels.

"Complete awareness of my muscles... Biffle was onto something. Oxygen circulation to every part. Stomp, breathe, thunderclap!"

Stomping down his right leg and leaning his weight onto it, he breathes in to build strength into his leg and releases it with a loud thunderclap, propelling him past Nico and Kate and allowing him to catch up to save the villagers.

"Keep going... I can't let Abaddon win!"

Abaddon, in a moment of unexpected vulnerability, twisted his neck, confronting Crainer. "Does your friend pity me, Crainer?" he queried. Crainer, unyielding, responded, "I pity what you've become, not who you were." In a fit of rage, Abaddon transformed into a colossal clone, threatening to crush Crainer.

Hearing that response, he suddenly transforming into an enlarged clone of himself. The giant demon grabs Crainer by the head and attempts to crush him, angrily demanding "You don't bully the weak!"

As the giant demon's grip tightened, Nico intervened, attempting to free Crainer. "Hang on, Crainer!" Nico shouted. The demon unleashed a sonic shriek, causing agonizing pain. Kate seized the opportunity to break off the demon's arms, freeing Crainer. Empowered by his embedded blade, Sigils struck a decisive blow, sending the giant demon staggering backward, and both plummeted off a cliff; Kate attempts to reach him but falls as well.

As Nico calls to the two, the giant demon stands up to find his body bleeding heavily and he cannot regenerate quickly, realizing that Abaddon is using too much of their shared power. Enraged, the giant demon questions how the human dares to threaten him and plans to kill him quickly upon finding food, eventually spotting three hiding swordsmiths in the distance.

The smiths quickly see the demon approaching and flee, with the giant demon now in pursuit of his prey. Lifting himself off of the tree branch, Sigils slumps to the ground and sees the demon running away. But he suddenly hears a voice calling to him.


Perplexed, Sigils responded, "What was that?"

The voice persisted, growing louder. "Sigils!"




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