44: Night Market Arc

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Walking into the vibrant Night Market, Sigils, Henwy, and Nico drew attention with their unconventional attire and weaponry.

"It's just so weird to have so many eyes around us..." Henwy remarked. "I've never felt so scrutinized."

"Are you scopophobic?" Sigils inquired.

"What's that?" Henwy asked.

"Scopophobia is a fear of being looked at or watched, maybe judged," Sigils explained.

"Yeah, that... I hate it when people judge me," Henwy confessed.

"I have something to tell you," Henwy added.

"What is it?" Nico asked.

"If I die again, I cannot be reborn, but I can actually be reborn, just that I will forget my memories," Henwy revealed.

"Touchwood! Don't say that!" Sigils exclaimed.

"Okay, but let's just say if you actually die, can't we just ask Pat to let you talk to us?" Nico suggested.

"You unfortunately can't talk to someone who has died twice," Henwy replied.

"Then we shall protect you with our lives," Nico vowed, squeezing Henwy tightly.

"Agh! I can't breathe!" Henwy groaned.

"Come on, guys, let's go and get our weapons."

"I've actually forgotten where Alxton's hidden place was, where was it?" Henwy asked.

"It's in a tent, as far as I know," Nico replied.

"What do you mean as far as you know?! You've been alive way longer than me!" Henwy exclaimed.

"Okay, guys, let's stop bickering like kids and get our weapons," Sigils intervened.

After walking for a while, they arrived outside a tent. "Alright, we're here!" Sigils declared. Just as they were about to open the tent flap, it swung open to reveal Alxton.

"Hey!" Alxton greeted.

"Hey, Alxton!" Henwy responded.

"Hey, you're alive!" Alxton exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's complicated," Henwy explained.

"We've come to claim our weapons because apparently everyone's claimed theirs," Nico stated.

Alxton presented their weapons wrapped in cloth, and they examined them.

"Kate is also here, she just came to collect her weapons," Alxton mentioned. "Apparently, she wants to stay here for a bit because she saw a hot spring bath earlier... so..."

"Wow, I'm actually impressed with the sword," Henwy said, examining the blade.

Henwy's blade displayed both diamond blue and pale white hues, and its circular handguard was surrounded by four hollowed small circles, all gold in color. Along with the sword, there was a standard sword sheath, half yellow and green.

"I'm surprised at the sword. How'd you make it?" Henwy asked.

"I used an ore called scarlet crimson iron sand. A swordsmith suggested that ore to me because most samurai swords would break easily after one battle," Alxton explained.

"That's cool!" Nico exclaimed.

As they conversed, suddenly, an alarm rang out, and the three rushed outside to see everyone scrambling away.

"What's going on?" Sigils asked.

"It's a demon alert!"


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