7: Revelation

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

SSundee strolled into the Regulars' hideout, finding Jerome and Sigils deeply engrossed in research about the magical ability Biffle had demonstrated a few days earlier. "This research isn't helping. You should take a break and rest," he advised Sigils.

Sigils, determined as ever, replied, "I don't want to waste two seconds. There has to be something, I just know it!"

SSundee shook his head, growing increasingly concerned. "This is going nowhere. Take a break, or I'll hurl an axe at you."


"No buts. Rest now," SSundee began, his patience wearing thin.

"OR GET THIS AXE HURLED AT YOU!" He snapped, raising an axe threateningly. Jerome and Sigils hastily retreated to their rooms.

SSundee couldn't help but smirk. "Heh. Always works," he said proudly, knowing how to enforce some much-needed breaks.

Ambrew entered the room, witnessing the chaos. "What works?" he asked SSundee.

SSundee explained, "Nothing much, just wanted the Regulars and Jerome to take a break from their research and threatened them with an axe if they don't rest."

Ambrew sighed and muttered to himself, "Why is he the way he is?"

After SSundee's exit, he approached Kate and Zud, eager to learn if they had made any progress in their investigation. "Any leads?" he inquired. While Zud shook his head in disappointment, Kate nodded affirmatively. SSundee's curiosity was piqued. "You found something?" he asked.

Kate responded, "Not really, but I thought this information would be useful. Before you became the leader of the assassins, Henwy's friend, Wisp, was the leader of the assassins. They knew the name of the serial killer leader. His name was the Shad-"

As Kate began to say the name, SSundee interrupted, "That betrayer! I knew it!"

Kate interrupted him, "It's not the Shadower." SSundee inquired, "It's not?"

Kate clarified, "His name is The Shadowcaster. Unfortunately, not much is known about him."

Optimistically, Zud chimed in, "Well, I have some good news! I thought it would be useless information, but since Kate said it, then that's where I come in!"

SSundee facepalmed and sighed, preparing himself for what Zud had to share.

Zud began sharing his discovery. "This was from a journal of a serial killer who worked undercover for the assassins. The Shadowcaster is believed to have been born eons ago, always leading the serial killers. They worked together with the assassins to defeat the demon king, but then, The Shadowcaster sought revenge on the assassins for doing the least work. Since then, nothing is known about who won the battle, but the former leader of the assassins was never heard from again, presumed dead."

SSundee noted, "I guess that's why we are rivals against them. Is there any other information?"

Zud excitedly revealed, "Luckily, the undercover assassin took a lot of notes. The Shadower once said, 'My serial killers are as varied as those pesky assassins and hail from every corner of our land, bringing with them weapons and skills of great power.' I believe the word 'demiurge' allows us to speak with someone we miss."

As Zud recited the chant, an unexpected event occurred. "Uh, Zud... What are you doing?" Kate asked, growing concerned.

Zud lowered the book and gasped in shock. He was glowing. "I-I'm not doing anything!" Zud admitted, his voice trembling. Suddenly, sparks and bright lights emanated from him, forcing them to shield their eyes.

When the dazzling light subsided, they opened their eyes to see someone they never expected.





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