71: Deception Unleashed

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(Theres and Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

"I think we do, do we have a choice?" SSundee replied.

"Yeah, but how? By now, the Shadowcaster already knows that serial killer's been gone for too long." Henwy asked.

"Henwy's right, if we disguise as that serial killer, he'll suspect it." Biffle replied.

"Maybe we have to do the same thing again." Sigils asked.

"I agree." Nico replied. "But who's going to kill them this time?"

"I don't mind trying." Sigils volunteered.

Another person had to help Sigils to tell him what to say. But no one volunteered.

"No one?" Henwy asked. "If no one volunteers, I can do it."

"Self volunteering? I like that." Zud replied.

But first, they had to wait for a serial killer to locate their base. But it didn't go well as planned.

After 2 weeks, no serial killer was reported near the base.

"Where are there serial killers?!" Ambrew complained.

"They may have heard about the demon attack at the Night Market." GarryBlox assumed.

"So, now what?" Kate asked.

"We do it the hard way. Find them ourselves since we know their base hideout." Zud suggested.

"Are you kidding me?! That's crazy!" Mitzefy exclaimed.

However, the others were on board. They all agreed on going to the serial killers' hideout to find them themselves. So Sigils and Henwy set off to find their base. And sure, enough, two serial killers was patrolling the area. They noticed them and rushed to take action.

"Hey! What are you doing at the serial killer ground?!" Karan asked.

"Attack!" Corey exclaimed.

"Ooh... Nico was right about Karan being a serial killer." Sigils whispered.

"Get to the point, Sigils!" Henwy chided.

A battle started, but unfortunately, both Henwy and Sigils were talented to defeat both of them to unconsciousness due to the training they endured earlier.

"Training really paid off!" Sigils said, impressed.

They gathered all the blood that leaked out and Sigils gulped the blood, turning into Karan.

"Oh man... I'm the guy who gets blamed when there are no kills..." Sigils joked.

Karan became conscious, exclaims, "LIES!", but Henwy kicks his face down to shut him up.

"So, what do I do?" Sigils asked.

"You find out what's been happening among the serial killers. I'll keep an eye on them just in case they go back to consciousness." Henwy replied.

"But I don't know how long they'll be unconscious. You better hurry, otherwise they'll know what's up." Henwy suggested.

"I gotta admit, I'm a little jealous of their base by the looks of it." Sigils replied with a hint of jealousy.

Henwy extracts an ear communicator from his pocket, and said, "Totally unnecessary, nothing can beat a Hen and Seagulls duo."

Sigils also extracts an ear communicator from his pocket, and replied, "Of course, we do make the perfect pair, high ranked assassin."

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