110: Final Battle Arc; Fight to the End

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As the battle unfolded, the clash of steel and the surge of magical energy filled the air. Crainer and Henwy, despite their injuries, fought valiantly alongside Sigils, Tubbo, and the rest. Each strike against Asmodeus seemed to echo with determination.

Slogo, having tended to Zud, joined the front lines as well. "We've got to find a way to weaken him," Slogo shouted to the group. "Look for any vulnerabilities!"

As the assassins closed in, Asmodeus unleashed a wave of dark energy, sending shockwaves through the surroundings. Biffle, Mitzefy, and Nico, having recovered from their earlier incapacitation, returned to the fight with newfound determination.

Biffle grinned as he swung his bright red blade. "Time to give this demon a taste of our united strength!"

Nico conjured powerful spells, creating a protective barrier for the group. "We can do this, together!"

Mitzefy, her resolve reignited, charged at Asmodeus. "For those who couldn't stand against you!"

However, the demon king, undeterred, counterattacked with increased ferocity. In the midst of the chaos, Crainer spotted an unnoticed tentacle lurking in the shadows. Before anyone could react, it snaked out and ensnared him.

"Let me go!" Crainer shouted, struggling against the tentacle's grip. Corey's panicked voice cut through the tumult as he saw his friend in peril.

"We can't let him win!" Corey gritted his teeth, his resolve unwavering. "We have to keep fighting!"

But even as he spoke, Crainer felt a sharp pain in his side, followed by a sickening warmth spreading through his abdomen. Looking down, he saw a tentacle protruding from his stomach, the sight sending a wave of horror coursing through him.

"Crainer!" Slogo cried out, rushing to his side. "Hold on, we'll get you out of here!"

But before they could react, another tentacle lashed out, aiming for Sigils. With a cry of alarm, Henwy leaped in front of him, taking the brunt of the attack. As the tentacle pierced his flesh, Henwy crumpled to the ground, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

"Henwy!" Sigils cried out, his heart pounding with fear and anger. "No... this can't be happening!"

Sigils, fueled by anger at the sight of his friend in pain, unleashed a barrage of attacks on Asmodeus. The others, including Ambrew, GarryBlox, and Zud, rallied behind him, their collective strength pushing back against the demon.

But Asmodeus... was just too powerful.

Right next to Slogo he is even more baffled as he sees the Shadowcaster knocked into the building he is hiding behind and that he has lost a leg. His horror only grows as he sees that Tubbo has been flung into the upper storey of a tall building while Loaf, Nico and Biffle are all unconscious in the rubble and Karan's sword arm has been severed.

Mitzefy struggled to regain her composure.

Mitzefy, her grip tightening on what remained of her shattered sword. She could feel the weight of her failures pressing down on her, threatening to overwhelm her at any moment. But she refused to succumb to despair. She had come too far to give up now.

But as the attack lunged at her, she could only shield herself in fright, but when she opened her eyes, she sees a familiar face's chin, and to her right was the demon's hand, sliced in half.

"Sorry, I was late. Are you alright?" The figure asks. She nods, and he brings her to Sigils.

Asmodeus, now missing an arm, regarded the group with a mix of annoyance and curiosity. Henwy, undeterred by the demon's taunts, stepped forward, ready to continue the confrontation.

But before Henwy could lunge an attack, Sigils grabs his hand, and requested, "Don't die."

"No promises." Henwy replied, and ran to face Asmodeus.

Asmodeus, his severed arm slowly regenerating, chuckled darkly. "Bold words from a mere mortal. You think you can defy the will of a demon king?"

Henwy smirked, raising his blade. "I've faced worse than you."

Asmodeus, momentarily staggered by the united assault, faced the defiant group. "You insignificant pests think you can challenge me?" he sneered.

Loaf, his past haunting him, gripped his weapon tighter, and slowly standing up. "We're not just pests. We're the reckoning you've long deserved!"

The battle raged on, each member of the group pouring their strength into the fight. The air crackled with magic, and the clash of steel echoed through the battlefield. Asmodeus, wounded but far from defeated, glared at the resilient assassins and killers standing against him.

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