94: Final Battle Arc; Mitzefy vs. Yakoun Pt. 1

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Mitzefy's skin won't stop crawling. If she doesn't send strength all the way to her fingertips, her body will immediately start trembling. She could stand up to him thanks to the fierce anger, and it was like her body was burning. The back of her throat was boiling. It's driving her crazy that she wanted to scream.

I feel like my body will fall apart if I don't cut loose. Mitzefy thought. I've never felt this way in my whole life. This is hatred beyond anger.

"I HATE YOU!" Mitzefy scream echoed through the battleground, a primal roar of rage that shook the very foundations of reality. "HOW DARE YOU KILL MY FRIENDS!"

Mitzefy vanishes and instantly appears before him, to rapidly slash him.

"Seven, eight, nine successive attacks!" Yakoun's voice cut through the chaos, his words a mocking commentary on Mitzefy's assault. "I'll do some too!"

Yakoun retaliates with his fan, and Mitzefy attacks back to destroy the created ice. Realising something, Yakoun thought, This girl has special eyes. She narrowly parried and survived my attacks just now. Every single part of my body... she looks very cautiously at them, and predicts my next move from my slightest movement. Not only is she astute, but she does things only the former assassin that almost beat me can do.

Having a flashback, Yakoun remembers the fights he had with Henwy. He was completely drained out, and Henwy only sustained mild shoulder cuts.

"I'm impressed you're still alive. How are you not dead?" Henwy asked coldly, angrily gritting his teeth.

"Why are you doing this, dammit?!" Yakoun questioned.

"Isn't it obvious?" Henwy asked. "Number 1, you're a demon, so of course we kill them. And number 2, you killed my friends, but mainly Marisa's friends. It's time you pay." He stated.

Going back to the present, Yakoun realised the 'Marisa' he was talking about was Mitzefy, now stronger than ever.

She must have great eyes to copy and follow Henwy's moves. But for now, I'll crush her eyes. Yakoun thought.

The demon decides the best course of action is to gouge them out. Yakoun slashes at her face but Mitzefy bends back, sustaining a small cut on the side of her temple. She attacks back at the demon, who compliments her body and flexibility as well-trained and akin to a spring.

Yakoun deploys his fearsome freezing clouds, forcing Mitzefy to close her eyes or risk freezing them. While on the defensive, she is attacked again by Yakoun using ice vines converging on her and forcing Mitzefy to slice the incoming attack to defend against them.

"Dammit, what else does he have?!"

When she is finished cutting them apart, Yakoun quickly attacks again with his cold white princesses, two ice figures of women that spray the icy fog in her direction. Mitzefy again backs away to avoid the fog but must dodge again when Yakoun unleashes his wintry icicles form from above and nearly impale her.

Yakoun taunts her for getting away from him, mentioning that in order to kill him, she needs to get up close. He disappears for a moment and reappears, with Mitzefy realising her kunai was gone, and realised that Yakoun was clutching it.

"Shit!" Mitzefy cursed.

"You weren't holding your kunai very tightly, so I took it. Come and get it!" Yakoun remarked, sticking the kunai on the floor, and scattering freezing lotuses that blinds the surroundings.

Suddenly, something crashes from the roof, and it breaks revealing help for Mitzefy. He lands on Yakoun and he falls face-planted on the ground, and the figure slashed all of the attacks incoming for Mitzefy.

"We meet again, Yakoun."

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