68: Assassin Training Arc; Physical + Flexibility + Balancing Training

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Sigils approached the next training session with a grumpy face, greeted by fellow trainers Henwy and Kate. "Hey Sigils!" Kate greeted, but Sigils wasn't in the best mood.

"Come on Sigils, what's with the long face?" Henwy inquired.

"Well, training's been fine, I guess. I swear to god, the 2015-2020 batch assassins are psychos, Slogo almost made me kill innocent people, Jelly almost made me drown to death." Sigils complained. "Only Crainer's been nice to me."

"Oh I'll tell you, that batch was the worse, no one took this like a laughing matter and was serious about it." Henwy replied, since he's been in the batch for less than a year.

"But have no fear! We'll handle this easily for you!" Kate promised.

"So, what's the training?" Sigils asked.

"Well, do you want to easy one or the hard one first?" Henwy asked.

"I guess... the easy one?" Sigils asked.

"Then go on to Kate's training!" Henwy suggested.

"Okay...?" Sigils replied, not assured.

Well it was definitely not reassuring. Kate's training was to balance two 10 pound rocks, while balancing on a tightrope.

"That's hard!" Sigils complained.

"It's not when you learn how to balance!" Kate reassured.

Thanks a lot, Henwy...

But this challenge was kind of easy actually, as Sigils usually had to balance on the springboard at swimming pools to dive. So this was a piece of cake to Sigils.

But now he had to endure the hard training, which was Henwy's training, and he was actually told this before, but he forgot what it was.

"Unfortunately, this may take days for you, since your knees are weak." Henwy warned.

"Stop teasing me of my weak knees!" Sigils exclaimed.

"Well I'm serious. Has the others not told you what this training was?" Henwy asked.

That's when he remembered. Nico told him that they had to apparently use their legs to kick open a 500 pound rock.

"Was it the one where you had to kick a 500 pound rock?" Sigils asked, unwillingly.

"That's right! But I decided to be a little generous, and gave you half of that!" Henwy replied.

"That doesn't change anything... it's still heavy."

"That's sounds like a you problem." Henwy teased. "Good luck!"

How am I supposed to break a 250 pound rock without using any tools but only my feet? Sigils thought.

"Hey Sigils! You're also stuck?" Someone called out.

It was Biffle, who was also attempting the same training as Sigils. Actually most of the assassins were attempting this training, since it was the most difficult, well, not as difficult as the end test.

"Actually, I just started the training. How long have you been here?" Sigils asked.

"Uh... 3 days?" Biffle replied:

"3 DAYS?!" Sigils exclaimed, flabbergasted.

"None of us are worse! Garry was actually stuck for 2 weeks!" Nico, who heard them, replied.

"Oh, so that explains why Mitz pretty much decorated her rock." Sigils said.


"Wait, what-?"


After a few days, Ambrew and Zud genuinely thought that this training was impossible, and called out to Henwy, who was chilling, watching TikTok's while hearing them struggle.

"Henwy! I genuinely think this training is impossible!" Zud complained.

"That's because you're weak!" Henwy exclaimed.

"Weak?! Let's see you do it!" Ambrew dared.

"At your command." Henwy said, getting up from his chilling spot, and walks to a rock that has been untouched, and looks at it, before spinning 360 degrees, and kicks the rock two metres to the north, and it slams a wall, and the rock breaks into pieces, and everyone was flabbergasted.

"I told you it wasn't that hard." Henwy replied.

"That's because you're strong!" GarryBlox chided.

"Not true, but I appreciate the compliment." Henwy said.

Zud then tried the method, and sure enough, he broke it. "I DID IT!" He exclaimed, but suddenly groaned, and clutched his leg.

"And we need medical attention here." Henwy sighed, but then realised he's the only one that was experienced in medicine. And with PatP, but he's dead.

"I'm gonna need someone in the assassin grounds right now to help carry Zud to the medical bay as he might have either broke or dislocated his leg." Henwy said to the intercom.

"I'm on it!" Jerome said from the intercom.

As Zud was being carried away, Sigils, Biffle and Nico discuss their plans on top of their rocks, as they knew that it'll probably take forever to break open the rock.

"Mine's apparently only 250 pounds, because of my weak knees. That's what Henwy said." Sigils began.

"That's not fair! Favouritism!" Biffle groaned.

"What's the difference anyways? He has weak knees, after all, so him kick that is probably about 500 pounds. Henwy was right to give him that thought." Nico concluded.

"And that's true!" Someone said. It was Henwy, who was on top a tree, secretly listening to their conversation.

"What are you doing here?" Biffle asked.

"Trying to help you! Unfortunately, I don't know what you and Nico hates, so I'm only going to help Sigils." Henwy replied.

"Favouritism!" Biffle said once again.

Taking out three pictures, he pasted them on the rock. The first picture was SSundee, the assassin group leader, the second picture was him being measured 5'10 instead of 6'0, and the third picture was him photoshopped as an old man. Angered, Sigils angrily kicks the rock, and it split in half.


"Did I actually do it?" Sigils asked.

"I told you it'll work. Come on, go rest before attacking the final boss!" Henwy encouraged.

"I can rest? Do I not straight away fight Ian?" Sigils inquired.

"Well, the final test was supposed to include every assassin, so you can say he wants to 7v1 you guys." Henwy replied.

"Ugh... lucky..." Biffle replied. "Dammit, Work, you stupid Biffle luck!"

"Can i join you in watching them suffer?" Sigils requested.

"Sure, the more the merrier." Henwy replied.


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