23: The Blades of Deception

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SSundee's keen eyes surveyed the humble tent where Alxton diligently worked on Nico's chipped kunai. "That's our swordsmith," he declared with confidence.

"You chose the correct person to be our swordsmith," SSundee whispered to Sigils, who simply nodded in agreement.

"I know," Sigils whispered back, a hint of unease in his eyes.

"Anyways, Nico's kunai is also a little damaged, can you fix it?" SSundee requested.

"Sure thing," Alxton replied, diving into the task at hand.

As Alxton focused on the repairs, he couldn't help but notice Sigils' nervous demeanor. When SSundee excused himself to purchase new weapons, Alxton seized the opportunity to address the unease. "Are you alright, Sigils? You don't look well..."

Sigils met Alxton's gaze, his guard momentarily down. "I'm not fine, really. You see, I've figured out who the leader of the serial killers is. And if Ian knows, he'll freak out," he explained.

"Is he one of Ian's associates?" Alxton inquired, curious about the unfolding drama.

"Yeah. It's Lance," Sigils revealed.

"Lanceypooh? Oh my..." Alxton's eyes widened in realization.

"He's coming to this market. You have to think of something, otherwise, he might kill you," Sigils urgently suggested.

"Don't worry bud. I've got you. Just trust me," Alxton reassured Sigils, his mind already plotting a strategy.

After a while, Alxton completed the task, presenting Nico's kunai. "Alright, as good as new!" he declared cheerfully.

"Thanks a lot, Alxton," Sigils expressed his gratitude. "Where the hell is Ian? He's taking so long..."

"HELLOOOOO!" SSundee's voice echoed as he entered with a box of chicken nuggets. Sigils sighed and smacked his head, whispering, "Why am I friends with this guy?"

After their departure, Alxton, with a smirk, kicked the curtain to cover the tent, initiating his plan.

Later, Alxton spotted two familiar faces outside his tent—Karan and Lanceypooh. "Hello there! How may I help you?" he innocently inquired.

"We are assassins, and I'd like you to help sharpen a few of my knives, if you don't mind," Karan politely requested.

"K-Knives? A-Are you going to kill me?" Alxton whimpered.

"Aren't you a swordsmith?" Lanceypooh questioned.

"Swordsmith? I'm a cobbler! I only fix shoes, do you happen to have any shoes to fix?" Alxton quickly improvised.

Apologizing for the misunderstanding, Karan and Lanceypooh left the tent. Alxton peeked through the flap, witnessing Lanceypooh berating Karan for the misinformation. Chuckling silently, Alxton moved to the other side of the tent to find Biffle and Nico, mouths agape.

"How the hell did you do that?" Biffle exclaimed.

"Acting skills. Learned from Garry," Alxton replied.

The narrative shifted to a past event involving GarryBlox's plan during a perilous encounter. The tale showcased Garry's knack for distraction, which inspired Alxton's recent ploy.

As the group marveled at Alxton's impressive performance, the focus turned to a poisoned Biffle. Henwy and Sigils, realizing the distraction's purpose, swiftly tended to Biffle's ailment.

"Oh, you've learnt from Garry quite well," Nico remarked.

"But that was impressive, not gonna lie," Biffle praised, acknowledging Alxton's resourcefulness in the face of danger.

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