55: Night Market Arc; Confrontation with Hatred

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As a wooden dragon hurls him high into the air, Sigils narrowly avoids getting crushed in its jaws and sees that five total heads surround the manifestation of hatred, seeing that they are about 66 feet in length. Abaddon beats a drum, causing a nearby dragon to blast Sigils with Charon's sonic shriek, knocking him into the trees.


Kate sees Sigils downed but cannot reach him as two dragons surround and attack her. Another dragon attempts to attack Nico, who fires at the wooden demon with his shotgun to little effect and is forced to grab hold and prevent it from biting him. Seeing the gunshots wounds heal quickly, he then breaks apart its jaws with his bare hands to damage it instead.

Sigils realized something. "Oh crap! That shriek has ruptured my eardrums! It dizzies me more than ever." Sigils exclaiming, realizing the extent of his injuries. Abaddon, the demon of hatred, unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks using the dragons as conduits. As chaos ensued, Kate struggled against the dragon's relentless assault, and Nico's shotgun failed to inflict significant damage.

Unable to use his weapons because he has not healed, Sigils runs away from the dragons and evades their bites, making it far enough that he believes he is out of range and takes a breather. The demon of hatred then beats on a drum and a dragon forms consecutive smaller necks from its mouth, stretching longer than before and allowing it to grab Sigils. As he is pulled into its jaws, Sigils attempts to fight back but has become too weak to do so and is swallowed whole, shocking Kate and Nico whilst they continue to struggle. Inside the dragon's jaws, Sigils realizes his situation is hopeless as he is slowly crushed, "Ow... is this what it's like being swallowed?! It's hopeless.... I'm getting crushed!" and with Abaddon declaring, "It's over for you."

At that moment, Crainer leaps into the air, unsheathes his blade, and races along the dragon's neck, slashing it to pieces and splitting its head open to rescue Sigils. As the dragon falls to pieces and Abaddon realizes his new opponent is now another assassin, Crainer hoists Sigils on his back and leaps up away from the falling dragon, "KYAHHHHH! What a ghastly monster! What is that thing?!" Crainer shrieked, horrified at the demon.


"Are you okay? Kate sent an assassin to assist, and I got called! Apologies I'm late, that was really cutting it close, huh?" Crainer explained, displaying a mix of relief and urgency, jumping from tree to tree to get to safety.

Crainer safely lands to the ground and puts his hands on his shoulders, before happily rocking him back and forth, telling him, "You can take a break now! Good job, I'm proud of you!" though Sigils cannot hear him with his burst eardrums. I can't hear because my eardrums burst...

Taking his blade, he stated, "Now, I'm going to rescue Kate and Nico, all right?" as Abaddon becomes annoyed at his interference. "You damn slip of a boy..."

Asking that he now leave it to him, Crainer rushes forward. Three dragons attack the assassin, but he wraps his hand around the leading dragon's jaws and pulls taut, enabling him to use its neck to knock down the other two, before making his way to face the manifestation of hatred.

"I will defeat you!"

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