31: Shadows of Betrayal

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

"Lance... is... the... Shadowcaster...?!" SSundee exclaimed.

SSundee looks at Kate, Zud and Sigils, with guilty looks on the faces.

SSundee's revelation about Lance being the Shadowcaster sent shockwaves through the group. Guilt-ridden faces met his accusatory gaze, and the unspoken truth hung heavy in the air.

"Is that why Nico never wanted me to know?" SSundee's voice betrayed a mix of hurt and anger.

Nods circulated among the group, confirming SSundee's suspicions. He clenched his fists, jaw tight with the weight of betrayal, and stormed off to channel his frustration.

In a secluded spot, SSundee fashioned a makeshift training dummy resembling Lanceypooh from bamboo trees. The scene transitioned to SSundee relentlessly pummeling the dummy. Kate intervened, blocking his fist mid-air, trying to reason with his impulsive plan.

"This isn't going to work," Kate warned amidst their sparring.

"It has to," SSundee insisted, determination etched on his face.

Their physical exchange mirrored the verbal one, Kate tirelessly challenging SSundee's single-mindedness.

"You're not thinking straight," Kate asserted.

"I am," SSundee countered with each clash.

Kate recounted Nico's encounter with Lance, highlighting the futility of SSundee's plan. Unyielding, SSundee showcased his signature move, the Sunlock finger hold.

"...the Sunlock finger hold?" Kate questioned.

"That's my best move. I just have to get to Lance, grab his finger, and then poof. Back to the Hell Realm," SSundee explained confidently.

"He has an army. Everything they see, he sees. You will never get close enough," Kate cautioned.

Undeterred, SSundee remained resolute. Their sparring paused, and Kate delivered her ultimate warning.

"He can only be stopped by using your common sense," she reasoned, revealing her trump card – summoning Henwy.

"Don't make me summon Henwy to stop you," threatened Kate.

"What can you do? Not even he can stop me," SSundee challenged.

Acknowledging defeat, Kate sighed, "You're right, he can't stop you."

"But he can confront you. Henwy will be at the balcony at 8. I've told him about what's happening. You better show up, or you're getting it from Henwy," she added, leaving SSundee alone with the weight of impending confrontation.

As dusk settled, SSundee grappled with conflicting loyalties and emotions. The balcony rendezvous promised a revelation that would redefine alliances, testing the boundaries of friendship and leaving SSundee standing at the crossroads of a critical decision.

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