47: Night Market Arc; Resonance of Shadows

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here!🥚)

Severing the fish demon's arm to save the kid, Henwy orders him to run away to avoid impeding his fighting. The demon heals and lunges at him, but the assassin dashes forward and beheads it. To his surprise, it continues to move around and eventually regrows its head completely. He notices the vase on its back and slices through it, finally killing the demon.

Looking to his rescuer, the kid holds onto Henwy tightly, thanking him for saving his life. "AHHHH! Thank you so muchhhh! You saved my life!"

"...what are you talking about?" Henwy asked. As the kid takes back his hatred of him, Henwy tries to move on and walks away, but the kid begs him to save Alxton, currently under attack.

"Okay, kid, what is your name, because I'm definitely not calling you 'kid' all the time." Henwy asked.

"It's Aiden, now can you please save Alxton?" The kid replies.

Henwy initially attempts to ignore him but suddenly remembers something that Jelly had said to him: "You will definitely get yourself back, Henwy."

Taking Jelly's words in, Henwy hoists Aiden on his shoulder and speeds through the forest, much to the young swordsmith's fright.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" Aiden screams. "SLOW DOWN!"

"Be quiet, child. Now you're gonna tell me where Alxton is." Henwy snapped.

"You're scary..." Aiden whispered, making Henwy roll his eyes and reply, "Fine, I'll give you time to think where he could be."

As he runs, he wonders if he is making the right decision, since moving to save Alxton will jeopardize the market's protection. Nonetheless, he reaffirms that he can succeed, as Slogo and SSundee has recognized him as the strongest assassin.

Back at the pavilion which was now destroyed, the winged demon's head attempts to summon another sonic shriek, Sigils slices it in half to stop the attack. The halves instead form new mouths and fire at Sigils, who is stunned by the attack but realizes that it had weakened, indicating that the four demons share a certain amount of power.

Realizing he is unable to help his friends at the moment, Sigils begs Kate and Nico to stay alive. "Nico, Kate! Stay alive! I don't know how long we can handle this!"

"What strong friendship. Would it be a shame if I ruin that friendship?" Charon gushed.

As Kate wrestles with Typhon, the demon of pleasure, Nico struggles to move with his own kunai that has been stabbed in his chest. The demon of sorrow complies to kill Kate but cannot pull his kunai out, giving Nico the chance to shoot him, blowing back his head. Birsha is angered at Acheron's slow thinking as the headless demon pulls his kunai out of Nico before quickly healing his head and neck.

Despite Acheron believing his wounds would kill him, Nico unexpectedly begins to recite his signature "wa waa waaa" sounds, making the demons a little confused and annoyed.

Kate rolled her eyes. "There he goes, using his signature move again..." she whispered to herself.

It leads Birsha to demand the assassin's head split in half. "Acheron! Be useful for once and kill that stupid chanter!" Birsha demanded.

"But-" Acheron tried to reason with him, but Birsha demanded again, "I said, DO IT!"

Acheron begrudgingly complies and swings his kunai down, but to his shock, he misses completely. Nico suddenly appears behind him and tries to slice his neck, only to be shocked by Birsha's lightning.

"Ow... this hurts... a lot! I thought Kate was lying about the pain, but I guess she wasn't!" Nico said to himself.

Struggling to pull the trigger of his shotgun, he musters the strength to aim at Birsha and fires, severing the demon's right hand. The demon of anger refuses to believe Nico is still alive despite his wounds from Acheron, who then swings his kunai and slams the shaft into Nico's chest, sending him through a room.

As the demon of pleasure tries to rip off her hand, Kate kicks Typhon in the jaw and partially severs his neck before ripping his hand away. The demon of pleasure heals his neck and hand but is met with a grenade, and it explodes.

Twisting his hand off, Kate uses the leaf on the distracted Typhon and blasts him away with a gust of his own wind. She attempts to repeat the move with Birsha, but the demon swats the uchiwa away with his staff and stabs her in the neck, before summoning his lightning and shocking her in place. Still unable to fend away the winged demon, Sigils sustains a cut to his cheek. Notices the building with Nico and Kate is close by, he thinks of a plan but dissuades himself against it...

Yet he cannot find an alternative.

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