46: Night Market Arc; Whispers of the Abyss

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"What demon—" Sigils was about to question, but Henwy swiftly dashed past Sigils, attempting to slash the demon, which agilely jumped up onto a nearby tree.

The demon whimpers silently as Henwy thinks, He's quick; I couldn't take him out.

Sigils also tries to launch an attack on the demon, but he too fails to make contact with the now-grounded demon. Sigils becomes more confused as he notices that the demon is not fighting back. Kate, who had been eavesdropping the whole time, lands a powerful kick on the demon, slamming him into the wall. With the demon stunned, Henwy seizes the opportunity and beheads it.

"Henwy! Stay focused! Remember, some high-ranked demons can still attack even when they're beheaded!" Sigils reminds, concern in his voice.

Suddenly, the beheaded demon grows a body, causing both Sigils and Henwy to recoil. He's not dead? Sigils thinks.

"Sigils! I'll take this one!" Henwy exclaims, targeting the demon that has just grown a head from the body.

Sigils aims for the demon that has grown a body from the head, but suddenly, the demon Henwy is aiming at uses a leaf to create a gust of wind. Henwy realizes he is in slow-motion, and the powerful wind breaks the pavilion.

Sigils is about to be blown away from the powerful wind, but Kate, who just came back, grabs him at the last second. "I've got you, Sigils!" Kate exclaims, holding his hand tightly.

"Henwy!" Sigils gasps as he watches Henwy get blasted into the air, far away from them.

When the gust of wind subsides, Sigils thinks of the demon as a coward but stronger than they think. He's not comparing him with Henwy—don't worry about it.

"We've never fought beings like them before. What do we do?!" Kate asks, panic evident in her voice.

"Why are you asking me?! You're the one who's higher-ranked than me!" Sigils snaps.

"Time to put an end to your lives!" The duplicate demon exclaims. "I, Birsha, will be the strongest demon that ever lived!"

"You're forgetting about me..." the other demon replies.

"Oh, shut up, Acheron; no one cares," Birsha replies dismissively.

"Wait a minute, they represent different emotions!" Kate whisper-shouts. "Currently, the one named Acheron represents sorrow, and the one named Birsha represents anger! I feel like there's more." Kate concludes.

"You see?! You have brain cells here!" Sigils exclaims.

With a touch of the staff the demon held on the ground, Sigils and Kate became paralyzed, Kate succumbing to unconsciousness while Sigils struggled to stay awake.

Not again! I can't die again! Sigils thinks. Just as he is about to lose consciousness, he sees someone on the rooftop above them.

He squints his eyes to see who it is and recognizes him.


Using a hand-held shotgun, Nico fires a shot at the demons, beheading Birsha but partially severing Acheron's neck. With his dagger, he runs down to finish the second demon off.

"Nico! You can't behead him! He'll just create more clones of himself!" Sigils warns, and Nico recoils. What? They can clone each other?

As the demons heal and form new bodies and heads, Sigils realizes that beheading them is not how they can be killed but cannot seem to find a weak spot, seeing as they all heal at the same rate. With all opponents now revealed, he notices one seems to be missing but is suddenly pulled up by the missing winged demon, and Nico shouts, "Sigils!"

Groaning, Sigils commands Kate, who has just gained consciousness, to get another associate or find Henwy.

Kate nods and runs away to find an associate, while Nico and Sigils continue fending off the new demons.

"It's Charon's pleasure to kill the heck outta you!" The demon with wings exclaims.

Ew. What a grotesque demon, Sigils thinks.

Sigils attempts to strike an attack but is hit by powerful sound waves that cause him to bleed, only cutting the demon's leg holding him. As he falls, Sigils attempts to grab a tree branch but fails and lands hard on the ground.

"Sigils, get up! We're not done!" Nico shouts, but Sigils feels his body grow numb due to the attack, unable to hear anything.

Having landed safely, albeit a great distance away, Henwy runs back to aid Sigils with the demon until he sees what seems to be a fish demon attacking a child.

Josh told me not to help someone with low priority... should I help? Henwy thinks. Slogo may have influenced Henwy to make him a little evil and made him a little rude.

As Henwy prepared to run away, he remembered Crainer's words— "helping others could end up positively affecting himself"—causing him to stop in his tracks.

As the fish demon attempted to squish the kid unconscious, the fish demon's arm suddenly cut off, and it let go of the young swordsmith. Henwy rushes in and takes a stance in front of the kid, "Run."

"Huh...?" The kid asked.

"It's dangerous here, run," Henwy requests him to run away as he will only get in the way of his fighting.

Is he going to kill the fish demon or the person under the control of the fish demon?

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