74: Bound by Shadows

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Nico's voice echoed through the tense air, "You forgot about Henwy?!"

"I didn't know he wasn't behind me!" Sigils hastily defended.

Zud chimed in, exclaiming, "What kind of friend are you?"

Sigils, feeling the weight of judgment, replied, "He told me not to look behind and continue running when we were caught by the serial killers!"

Kate, ever the problem solver, suggested, "Why didn't you just peek a little?"

"I'm sorry! I'll get him bac-" Sigils attempted to mend the situation, but SSundee intervened, "It's probably too late."

Ambrew added with a hint of dread, "I think we know what's happening to him now."

"What's happening to him?" GarryBlox asked, anticipation in his voice.

"If I had to say..."


"Probably captured."

In the eerie confines of the serial killer base, the malevolent killers practiced their sinister moves, unable to match the finesse of the assassins.

"If we're going to make it through the battle with the assassins, we're gonna need more talent from the high-ranked assassins." Gold declared with determination.

Locked in a diamond cage, Henwy gasped, aware that his talents were the key to the killers' empowerment. "No, please! I barely have any talent to give! I mean maybe like a desperate kunai throwing battle or a one-off national fight with a wrestler... but that is it!" Henwy exclaimed, desperation evident in his voice.

A mysterious voice interrupted, "Who's the one in the cage?" The figure turned out to be The Shadowcaster.

"I already know it's you, Lance," Henwy replied, revealing a hidden connection that shocked everyone present.

"How did you know?!" The Shadowcaster asked, taken aback.

"I already knew when I once became the leader. But I gave up being the leader and passed it to someone else," Henwy revealed.

"And you can't do anything about it! Everyone in the assassin grounds already knows!" Henwy added, The Shadowcaster smirking. "Who's the one with the power, tell me?"

Commanding Tubbo and Wilbur, new serial killers, to pull a lever. The Shadowcaster extracted talent from Henwy, making him groan in pain.

"That's more like it," The Shadowcaster declared. "Time to share this with the other serial killers."

"We're so close to having everything we always knew we believed we deserved to have!" Tilt added, excitement in his voice.

Henwy, now drained and sullen, noticed Tubbo looking down. "Hey, what's with your face?!" The Shadowcaster demanded.

"N-Nothing! Just thought of something a little... sad. But honestly, that dude looks rough," Tubbo replied.

"He's fine," The Shadowcaster tried to dismiss the situation, but Tubbo persisted.

"And he's getting pale!" Wilbur added.

Henwy's condition worsened, and he became weak, and his color drained slowly, and he pleaded, "Don't you see what you're doing? You're literally sucking the life out of me!"

The Shadowcaster groaned. "That's what I used to tell Sunday every day."

"Now, I'm gonna hold a meeting to get the other serial killers to capture other assassins for their talent. The high-ranked ones, of course," The Shadowcaster declared.

Henwy, desperate to protect his friends, demanded, "What?! No! You leave my friends alone!"

"Ugh. I'm exhausted by this drama. Now both of you, keep an eye on that guy in case he escapes," The Shadowcaster ordered Tubbo and Wilbur.

"Yes, sir," they replied in unison.

The Shadowcaster left, and Tubbo, following him silently, locked the door. "What are you doing?"

Tubbo whispered his idea to Wilbur, and they nodded, preparing for what came next.

"Hello? Are you gonna talk or not?!" Henwy pounded on the unyielding diamond wall.

"We don't want to hurt you," Wilbur began.

"What do you mean? You're literally serial killers!" Henwy retorted.




"We want to help you."

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