86: Final Battle Arc; Demon's Reckoning

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As Sigils and Karan navigated the ominous castle, the structure itself seemed to conspire against their unity, threatening to tear them apart. The castle pulsated with an eerie energy reminiscent of a serial killer's lair. Sigils pondered whether the demons had not only altered the structure but also taken ownership of the castle itself.

In their haste, a crow, harbinger of grim tidings, cawed the tragic news that Kate had fallen victim to Yakoun, a demonic adversary. Fighting back tears, Sigils was oblivious to the piece of paper attached to the crow's neck, an enigma that caught Karan's attention.

"What's that paper on its neck?" Karan whispered to himself, his curiosity piqued.

Meanwhile, within the Assassin headquarters, Madelyn assumed temporary leadership in her husband's absence, supported by her son Colton and the skilled swordsmith Alxton. Grieving was a luxury they couldn't afford as they focused on their mission, each wielding a talisman gifted by Tubbo to observe the ongoing events within the castle and map out its treacherous layout.

Facing an information deficit, Madelyn commanded, "We have little information; order the crows to send as many eyes as possible."

"Understood," Colton replied dutifully.

Alxton, analyzing the situation, deduced, "The demon king's location remains unchanged. A few assassins are currently engaged in battle. Lead more assassins north."

Colton nodded, acknowledging the urgency of their task. "Mitz holds the line, but reinforcements are needed," he informed his mother.

"And Nico," Colton continued, his tone grave. "He's facing a demon alone."

Nico and the demon, named Raijin, face off, with Raijin mocking, "You're still a shabby, little runt. Still weak."

Nico rolled his eyes. "You seem thrilled to have reached the very bottom of the demons though merely filling in vacant positions." He remarked.

"You can talk back now, huh?" Raijin commented.

"Of course, Carlos. Ever since I met Sigils, he taught me how to be savage." Nico commented, revealing the demon's real name.

"That's no longer my name! My name is Raijin!" Raijin declared.

"And you will always be." Nico reminded.

"At every moment, I only serve those who know my value!" Raijin declared, changing the subject.

"If your parents are dead, fine! I did everything I could, they wouldn't make me their successor! The old bastards said he would make me a co-successor with a scum like you!" Raijin added.

"They may have been a former secretary, but I have no use for senile old people!" Raijin said.

"He wasn't senile." Nico responded.

"If I'm scum, then you're trash!" Nico declared, and teased, "I feel sorry for my parents for having such PATHETIC successors!"

"DON'T LUMP ME IN WITH YOU!" Raijin demanded.

Raijin sent lightning at the assassin. However, Nico has already avoided the attack and slashed the demon's neck, mocking him, "You're too slow, you filth". Raijin is stunned his opponent has already slice him and commented:

"He moves like a completely different person!"

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