40: Betrayal in the Afterlife

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Biffle found himself in a celestial realm, surrounded by clouds, greeted by the guardians, Crainer and Slogo. The encounter led him to an unexpected journey into the afterlife, where decisions between heaven and hell awaited.

"Hello, my friend. You are in the afterlife, where now you get decided where to go, to heaven— the good side, or hell— the bad side," Crainer explained, setting the stage for Biffle's judgment.

Indifferent, Biffle responded coldly, "Take me wherever you want. I don't care."

"That's harsh," Slogo remarked.

Now, we will check your stats." Crainer replied, gesturing his assistant, Jagster to check his good scale. Jagster acted concerned, and said, "Good scale is only at 5%."

"I'll check his bad percentage. If you may, Billy?" Slogo asked, gesturing ShadowApples to check his bad percentage. He checked, and replied, "Bad scale is at 95%."

"I'm sorry my friend, you're going to hell." Crainer replied, bowing. "I hope you feel welcomed in the afterlife."

"Fine! Whatever! I expected this anyway!" Biffle replied coldly.

"Definitely gives the vibe of hell." Jagster replied.

Slogo turns him into a devil, and throws disguised Biffle into the hot abyss of hell. Of course, to act evil and to get a bad reputation, he shouted, "Hey! Easy there, you bastard!"

"You seem pretty evil. Need a hand?" Fox offered, extending a hand to Biffle. Biffle knew he had to act mean, so he rejected his gesture by slapping his hand off. "I don't need your stupid help."

Rude much. No wonder you're here." Fox jeered.

"You're the one to talk. You're in hell too." Biffle sneered, dusting off the dust on his pants.

"I guess you're right about that." Fox replied.

"What did you do in your past life, well, before you died?" Fox asked.

"I was a serial killer. Until a stupid assassin killed me and poisoned me to death because I 'murdered' his associate." Biffle explained.

"What a coincidence. I was a serial killer too! The reason I died is because I let the assassins kill me so that as a ghost I can figure out what the assassins are up to." Fox explained. "Someone named Lawler broke me out. He was also a serial killer."

Back in the Time Capsule, Henwy, Loaf, and Pat viewed the scene happening.

"Biffle's doing good. Even that attitude. Sheesh." Henwy replied.

"Don't even start, Henwy." Loaf replied.

"SHEES-" Henwy began, but Loaf cuts him off. "NO!"

"Oh, those moments where we always said sheesh to annoy the Regulars one time. That was so fun." Pat replied, looking at a past time orb. Henwy walked up to it, and scrolled the orb to where they said sheesh to annoy Sigils.

"Sheeesh!" Loaf began.

"Sheeesh!" Henwy joined.

"Just stop, please." Sigils pleaded.

"SHEEESH!" Pat screamed, and Sigils groaned, covering himself with a blanket.

Everyone chuckled. "We can focus on those moments later. Right now, we've gotta listen for the code word." Pat replied.

As they contemplated the situation, Biffle and Fox continued their exchange.

"What are you planning to do?" Biffle inquired.

"I plan to tell the serial killers about the assassins' plan, when I find a way to get into the real world." Fox replied.

"You'd have to have the divine being's powers to do that, I think." Biffle reminded.

"I plan to steal his powers with your help, Mr..." Fox requested before trailing off and asked, "Wait, what's your name?"

"It's Bi- I mean- Dill." Biffle replied.

"I'll just cal you a bunny since you act like one. Like they say, dumb bunny, sly fox." Fox joked.

"How dare you, bastard?!" Biffle screamed.

"Ok, Dill, I'm joking. I'm Fox, and you're gonna be with me. Follow me." Fox replied, gesturing Biffle to following him. He did, and asked, "Where are you taking me Foxy?!" To give off bad reputation.

"The Cage of Death. One of us can trigger it so that the Guardians of the Afterlife can attend to the cage, and then the other will lunge on the divine being, steal his powers and we can communicate to our master!" Fox explained.

"Also, the temperatures really hot, don't you think?" Biffle asked.

"That's our cue!" Loaf replied from the Time Capsule, but PatP stops him. "Not yet, that's the code word for getting prepared."

"Henwy, warn the other Guardians." PatP instructed, and Henwy nods, informing them.

"I mean duh. It's hell, so it's hot." Fox replied. "Why the sudden question about temperature?"

"Cause it's getting hot in here..." Biffle said, his voice trailing off.


The Guardians of the Afterlife lunge on Fox, grabbing him, and throws him into the Cage if Death.

"What?! You were working with the Guardians, Dill? How could you!" Fox scolded, as he placed his hands on the bars, struggling to break free.

"Unfortunately, I was only here to know what you were doing to warn the Guardians." Biffle began.

"And second, I was never Dill," Biffle confessed, exposing his role in foiling Fox's plot. The Guardians swiftly contained Fox in the Cage of Death, signaling the end of his rebellious endeavor.

Well, as they say, sly bunny, dumb fox." Biffle replied, and walks away, gesturing the Guardians to do their job. "I'm burning him!" Slogo replied, casting fire into the Cage of Death, and he disintegrated.

"Just for safety, put him in the Jars of Fame." Henwy suggested.

"What's with the weird names, man?" Biffle asked.

When Biffle saw the Jars of Fame, they were surprised to see a ton of jars, filled with either ashes, impaled or frozen stoned statues of people. He was shocked, so he stood there, rooted to the ground, and said, "You guys are messed up."

"We know." PatP replied.

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