105: Final Battle Arc; SSundee vs. Shadowcaster

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SSundee's voice echoed through the tense air, demanding an explanation from The Shadowcaster, who stood resolute in his vow for revenge.

In a surprising twist, it was revealed that the leaders, originally assumed to unite against a common foe, were entangled in their own power struggle.

In an earlier scene within the castle, Asmodeus led a group of assassins, serial killers, and leaders away, leaving the others in bewildered silence.

GarryBlox, breaking the quietude, questioned the situation. "Now what?"

The Shadowcaster, determined, responded, "Isn't it obvious?"

"What?" SSundee inquired, trying to make sense of the unfolding chaos.

"We fight!" The Shadowcaster declared, revealing a sword of colossal proportions.

"It's as tall as Sigils," someone remarked, prompting an indignant response.

"Excuse me?!"


Amidst the brewing conflict, SSundee voiced reason. "That's not the way to solve our problems!"

Despite being on the side of the serial killers, Corey found common ground with the assassins' leader. "I know I'm on the serial killer's side, but I have to agree with the assassin leader."

The Shadowcaster, dismissing any allegiance, attacked Corey. Unexpectedly, Ambrew stepped in to protect him, shattering the expectations of those present.

"Why are you doing this?" Ambrew demanded an explanation.

"Isn't it obvious? You ruined our lives!" The Shadowcaster exclaimed, a cloud of resentment hanging in the air.

"What did I do to you?" SSundee sought understanding.

The Shadowcaster, consumed by anger, remained silent as the battle erupted between them. The other killers and assassins exchanged bewildered glances.

"Should we do something?" Mas questioned, uncertainty lingering in the air.

"Nah. Like Biffle said, 'let him cook,'" GarryBlox nonchalantly responded.

However, as the intensity of the conflict escalated, The Shadowcaster unveiled a mini bomb, causing the castle to explode. Miraculously, everyone landed near Asmodeus, who, perplexed, questioned their motives.

"What the hell is going on?" Asmodeus, caught in the crossfire, expressed his confusion, yet the combatants paid him no heed, continuing their struggle.

"Should we watch this fight?" Sigils asked, finding amusement in the chaos.

"Hell no," Karan snapped, capturing the complexity of the unfolding drama.

As the explosive clash unfolded, alliances were shattered, and the castle lay in ruins. The echoes of betrayal reverberated through the air, leaving the characters entangled in a web of unresolved conflicts and unanswered questions.

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