17: Guardians in the Shadows

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Sigils couldn't believe the shocking revelation that some serial killers were privy to the identities of the Guardians of the Afterlife. "What?! Serial killers know some of the Guardians' identities?" he exclaimed, setting the tone for a meeting that would unravel even more mysteries.

"I think we should address this to everyone, since everyone knows about this." GarryBlox suggested.

SSundee nods, and he calls everyone for a meeting. Everyone gathers in the meeting room, and SSundee began, "Okay, everyone knows about the Guardians of the Afterlife's identities, amirite?" Everyone nods.

"But now we have to talk about something. Some serial killers do know the identities of the Guardians of the Afterlife." SSundee replied, and there were some gasps.

"Do we summon the Divine Being?" GarryBlox asked.

"I don't see why not, what's the code word?" Ambrew asked.

"But someone would had to be frozen and unfamiliar at what happened, like I did in the past, and I'm not doing it again." Zud replied.

"I'll do it." Kate replied.

"DEMIURGE!" Kate exclaimed, and sparks and bright lights emanated from her, forcing all of them to shield their eyes.

When the dazzling light subsided, they opened their eyes to see the person they awaited, PatP, the Divine Being.

"Hello, friends, it's been a while since we last spoke, Ian." PatP replied.

PatP looked to see the entire crew present, and PatP felt uneasy. "Did you tell them my identity?" He asked. SSundee sheepishly replied, "Yeah... but they figured out who the Guardians of the Afterlife's identities by themselves."

PatP, despite the revelation of his identity, remained composed. "I knew this anyway, Loaf has been keeping an eye on all of you," he calmly stated.

"Loaf? But he's dead, he can't be spying on us..." Jerome replied.

PatP sighed. "So they technically don't know that much?" He asked SSundee, and SSundee responded with a nod.

"Loaf's the Time Lord's assistant, and his job is to gather information for the Time Lord either in the past, present, or future, then the Time Lord would convey the message to me." PatP explained.

"I see." Nico replied. "But how did he spy on us? We have high quality surveillance that could even spot ghosts..."

"It's called invisibility, Nico." Sigils replied.

"My bad." Nico replied.

"What would you like to talk about?" PatP asked.

"Are the serial killers spying on you and the other guardians?" Biffle replied.

PatP sighs. "Yes, they have. And apparently a serial killer was attempting to be killed just to spy on us assassins.

"I think it was someone called Fox!" Jerome replied.

"Why?" Zud asked.

"When Kate and I went on a mission to kill him, he didn't even attack and just let us attack him!" Jerome stated.

"I'll keep a lookout on him, he's in hell I think, but I'll tell the Guardian of Hell Slogo that he needs to be watched." PatP declared.

"If there's any other information, please let me know immediately." PatP added.

"Will do. Thanks Pat!" Sigils replied.

PatP despawns, and Kate goes back to consciousness. "What happened?" Kate asked. The crew explained everything to Kate and she acknowledged.

A few hours later, while the Regulars were practicing their moves, a portal appears behind Sigils and a hand drags Sigils into the portal.

"Sigils!" Nico exclaimed, attempting to grab him, but Biffle grabs his hand. "Relax, Nico, this happened to me once, he's gonna be fine." Biffle reassured him.

"If you say so..." Nico replied.

Sigils woke up a few minutes later, and to see LoafX looking at him.

"Loaf?! What am I doing in here? And- wait- how are you here?!" Sigils asked.

"That's not for you to know, Sigils, right now, we need your help." LoafX replied, pushing him into another portal.

Sigils lands with a thud, and groaned. "Who the hec-" Sigils began, but then looked up, to see a familiar face.

"Henwy, it's you..."

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