100: Final Battle Arc; Wilbur, Jerome, Tubbo and Henwy vs. Ahriman Pt. 3

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Wilbur felt the surge of regeneration coursing through him, the sensation of renewed strength empowering his limbs. With pride, he stood, only to be struck down by Ahriman's vicious attack, leaving him helpless on the ground, his legs dislocated.

"Wilbur!" Tubbo's cry pierced the chaos, a horrified witness to the unfolding brutality.

"Want more pain?" Ahriman taunted, wrenching the dagger from Jerome's chest, causing him to collapse.

"No!" Wilbur's voice rang out in defiance.

As Ahriman raised the dagger to inflict further harm upon Jerome, a sudden blow from behind sent him stumbling, the weapon slipping from his grasp. Henwy, emerging from the shadows, had arrived just in time.

"How dare you hurt my friend like that," Henwy's voice cut through the tension, cold and resolute.

"Jerome, stitch up the wound in your stomach now," Henwy ordered, his tone brooking no argument. "While you're doing that, I'll handle him."

"Thanks, Henwy," Jerome expressed his gratitude, even in the midst of his pain.

As Henwy engaged Ahriman in combat, his movements fluid and precise, Ahriman recognized the young warrior's talent and potential. Despite his age, Henwy possessed remarkable skill and speed, making him a formidable opponent.

Ahriman attempted to overpower Henwy with his sword, but to his astonishment, it shattered upon impact with Henwy's blade.

"How did he-?!" Wilbur exclaimed, bewildered by the turn of events.

"How did you- that's a scarlet crimson sword! The same as mine, but how did mine break?!" Ahriman demanded, his disbelief evident.

Henwy remained silent, his focus unwavering as he evaded Ahriman's relentless onslaught. Enraged, Ahriman lunged at Henwy, only to be met with swift retaliation.

Meanwhile, Jerome struggled to staunch his bleeding wounds, his determination overshadowing the pain. As he prepared to rejoin the fray, a stray sword struck Wilbur, rendering him unconscious.

"Oh no-" Jerome's heart sank as he realized the unintended consequences of his actions.

With grim resolve, Jerome pressed on, determined to defeat Ahriman and protect his comrades. But Ahriman's fury knew no bounds, and with a swift stroke, he severed Jerome in half, leaving the others reeling in shock.

"Jerome!" Henwy's cry echoed through the chaos, his anger simmering beneath the surface as he faced Ahriman alone.

As Ahriman closed in for the kill, Henwy vanished into the shadows, leaving Ahriman bewildered. But before Ahriman could react, Henwy reappeared, his movements swift and deadly.

"Enjoy your last moments with light," Henwy's voice was cold and merciless as he delivered the final blow, throwing a smoke bomb on the ground.

Ahriman then spots him going to Jerome's direction and slashed him, but to his dismay, he vanished.

He then spots Henwy again now going for Wilbur, and attempts to slash him but he vanished again.

"Agh! Where the hell are you!" Ahriman exclaimed.

"Piece of advice, Ahriman." Henwy said from somewhere.


"Never ever..."


"Mess with my friends...."


"Ever again."

Henwy then appears but disappears again, but slashed Ahriman into half, decapitating him.

Ahriman's defeat was swift and decisive, his cries of disbelief falling on deaf ears as Henwy emerged victorious.

"I've been alive for 400 years... how am I defeated?! By a child?!" Ahriman's words were filled with incredulity.

"Well, that just sounds like a you problem," Henwy retorted, his contempt palpable. "Wanna know how your sword broke upon interacting mine? You're using the most outdated scarlet crimson ore. And I forged it with fire charges."

As Ahriman's threats fell on deaf ears, Henwy delivered the final blow, crushing his adversary's head beneath his heel.

"Wow. What a brat," Henwy remarked, his victory complete.

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