97: Final Battle Arc; The Bonds Beyond Battle

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As Sigils lay asleep, a faint scent of burning slowly invaded his dreams. At first, he brushed it off, sinking deeper into the comforting embrace of sleep. But as the scent grew stronger, morphing into the unmistakable odor of smoke, he jerked awake, heart pounding in his chest. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he saw Karan, tending to a small fire.

"Uwah-?! Karan?! What are you doing?!" Sigils exclaimed, his voice laced with concern.

"I'm trying to stop my bleeding but it's not working, so I'm going to cauterise the wound," Karan stated matter-of-factly, his expression grim with pain.

"Are you alright?" Karan asked, noticing Sigils' bewildered expression.

"Yeah... I'm fine. Thanks. Just thought of something," Sigils replied, his mind racing with newfound thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" Karan inquired, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

"I know we've been fighting Caim and defeated him, but have you realized we are actually against each other? Why... are we helping each other?" Sigils questioned, his words heavy with introspection.

Karan's brow furrowed as he considered Sigils' words. "You're right... why are we helping each other?" he mused, uncertainty clouding his features. The two locked eyes, sharing a moment of doubt amidst the flickering flames.

"Is there even a need to be against each other?"

Meanwhile, amidst the chaos of battle, Zud found himself face to face with Carriaxa, the guitar demon. She stood before him, an enigmatic figure cloaked in silence, her hair obscuring her eyes. As Zud lunged forward, intent on confrontation, the demon summoned a door, sending him reeling back in astonishment.

"Uwah?! How did he do that?" Zud wondered aloud, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Kwebbelkop, ever vigilant, swooped in to rescue Zud, whisking him away to safety on an upper platform. But their respite was short-lived as Carriaxa's powers manifested once again, causing the very ground beneath them to tremble and split.

"Oh geez..." Kwebbelkop whispered, his voice laden with apprehension. "It's just like how Tilt controlled the base... it's similar."

"He can do that too?" Zud questioned, his gaze fixed on the unfolding chaos.

"Yeah. In the serial killer grounds," Kwebbelkop confirmed, his tone grim with recollection.

"Focus up, you two, there's a demon there!" Loaf's voice cut through the chaos, urging them back into battle.

They regrouped, their determination unyielding, as Loaf launched himself at the demon. But Carriaxa, ever elusive, countered with a devastating blow, sending Loaf hurtling towards the ceiling.

"This demon's reckoning is a bad thing. A little surprising, but that's alright!" Loaf reassured himself, his voice tinged with determination. "I got it now, she can move the building as if it were her own two hands and feet."

Undeterred, Loaf continued his assault, his resolve unshakeable. But Carriaxa, ever resourceful, countered each blow with precision, leaving Loaf frustrated and on the defensive.

"You won't hit me with the same attack again!" Loaf roared, his frustration boiling over as he launched himself once more at the elusive demon. But to his dismay, Carriaxa conjured yet another obstacle, leaving Loaf to plummet through the air with a cry of frustration.

"Agh! It's so annoying!" Loaf exclaimed, his voice echoing through the chamber.

Kwebbelkop attacked, but Carriaxa cleverly summoned a building as a barrier. Frustrated, he commented, "Ugh... her power isn't that powerful... but it's annoying!"

Meanwhile, deep within the labyrinthine corridors of the castle, Henwy and Jerome pressed forward, their senses ablaze with the presence of Asmodeus looming ever closer. But their path was fraught with danger, as unseen forces conspired to separate them.

Suddenly, without warning, a wall compartment sprang to life, hurling Jerome into the darkness, leaving Henwy alone in the echoing silence.

"Jerome!" Henwy called out, his voice filled with concern and urgency. "Are you alright?!"

"N-Never mind me! Just go!" Jerome's voice echoed faintly through the chamber, his confusion palpable.

Alone and disoriented, Jerome stumbled through a series of winding corridors, each one more treacherous than the last. Until at last, he found himself standing before a towering figure, its presence suffused with malevolence.

"What the...?" Jerome gasped, his heart pounding in his chest as he came face to face with the demon known as Ahriman.

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