77: The Trust Test

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Sigils's heart raced as Biffle's words sank in. "What do you mean I'm in danger?!" he asked, his voice trembling with concern.

"You just became a high-ranked assassin after the Assassin Training. Henwy and Kate were the only high-ranked assassins, but after you and Mitz worked together a lot, you both went up a rank!" Biffle explained, his tone urgent.

"We've got to tell this to the other assassins about this!" Nico replied, his brows furrowed with worry. Biffle grabbed Tubbo, but he hesitated. "Why don't you come?" he asked.

"I'm a serial killer; I don't think I'm allowed in the base," Tubbo replied, his voice tinged with unease.

"It's alright! As long as we trust you, it's fine!" Sigils reassured. "We'll take the blame. For you! And Henwy, maybe."

"If you say so..." Tubbo replied hesitantly.

The group made their way to SSundee's office, where tension hung heavy in the air. SSundee immediately recognized Tubbo and demanded he leave. Sigils explained the situation, but SSundee remained unconvinced, calling for a meeting to hear Tubbo's side.

Jerome's eyes widened in recognition. "That's the person I rejected, and I heard he joined the serial killers!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with alarm. Weapons were drawn, but the Regulars defended Tubbo. "Easy there, guys! If we trust him, you should trust him too!" Nico interjected, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Are you dumb?! He's a serial killer!" Zud exclaimed, his voice dripping with suspicion.

"Have you heard the story where an assassin disguises as a serial killer to get information for the assassin leader?" Biffle asked, attempting to sway their opinion.

"That's a stretch," Ambrew remarked skeptically.

"He's gonna be like that, and along with Wilbur," Sigils insisted.

"And how are you convinced that they're not gonna betray us?" Mitzefy questioned, her arms crossed defensively.

"We saw everything that happened to Henwy and Kate. If they were to betray us, they would have done it already and snitched on their leader," Nico explained, his voice steady.

"Kate? What happened to her?" SSundee inquired, concern etched on his face.

"Captured. And the serial killers are draining their talent to be more powerful than you assassins. If they drain every last bit of their power and color, they either lose their emotions, go into a forever coma, lose their memory, or worse— die," Tubbo explained gravely.

"That's horrible!" GarryBlox exclaimed, his eyes wide with horror.

"And that's why you need the perfect harmony to break them out. But I have a plan," Tubbo replied, his voice tinged with determination.

Jerome remained unconvinced. "I'm still not convinced though..." he stated firmly.

"Why not do a lie detector test on him? I think we know someone who could do that," Loaf suggested.

Loaf prepared the lie detector test, and after Tubbo passed, they began questioning him.

"Is it true that Henwy believes you?" Nico asked, his voice probing.

"Of course," Tubbo replied confidently, and Loaf confirmed the truth.

"WHAT?!" Zud exclaimed, his disbelief evident.

"Are you sure you're not going to betray us if we work together?" Biffle pressed, his gaze intense.

"In a heartbeat," Tubbo replied firmly, surprising everyone when Loaf confirmed his truthfulness.

"There's no way," Ambrew muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Last question. If we accept you as an assassin, will you and Wilbur disguise as serial killers and gather information from the leader and transfer it to us?" Sigils asked, his tone serious.

"Of course, both of us will never let you down," Tubbo replied truthfully. "We won't snitch either; we're men of our word."

As Loaf reviewed the results, everyone held their breath. "He's telling the truth..." Loaf confirmed, his voice filled with surprise.

A collective gasp echoed through the room. "See? He wasn't lying! You don't have to attack him!" Nico remarked, relief evident in his voice.

"You literally tried to kill me with a shotgun 30 minutes ago..." Tubbo reminded, his tone wry.

"Don't remind him of what he did," Biffle quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

"Alright fine, we trust you. But if you ever betray us, you won't be hearing the end of this," SSundee threatened, his gaze piercing.

"May I remind you that the lie detector of Loaf is always right?" Sigils interjected, his tone cheeky.

"Shut up, Sigi Bigi," SSundee snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Feeling a surge of anger, Tubbo slammed his fist on the table, causing it to splinter in two, making everyone recoil in shock.

"No one should speak rudely to their comrades," Tubbo declared, his voice commanding respect.

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