14: Secret Library

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(There's 2 Easter eggs hidden in here! 🥚)

What the crew didn't know, Sigils was outside the room eavesdropping them, but he's only eavesdropped the part when Nico commented that that was a great discovery, but he didn't know what discovery they were talking about.

He asked Jerome, who had no clue at what he was talking about, and was curious to learn that info. And that made him wanted to find out even more.

He wanted to confront them, but they might decline knowing any of this, so he had to be sneaky— like detective Sunlock Holmes.

...And by that he meant SSundee, who calls himself that.

He went into research for days, obviously without SSundee's knowledge, because he knew he would kill him whenever he researched for too long.

He had no leads, but he thought of the book he referenced, 'Afterlife Ancients', from Henwy's library. He took out the book and read intensely, but never found a lead.

Mitzefy and Kate walked in where the boys were researching, and they jumped in shock. "Please don't tell Ian." Jerome begged, and Mitzefy responded by using her hand to zip her mouth, signalling she won't say a word.

"What are you doing?" Kate asked, curious.

"Well, Ian, Garry, Zud, Biffle and Ambrew, they were saying that's a crazy discovery, but I don't know what discovery they were saying, so Jerome and I wanted to figure what they were up to." Sigils explained.

"Then count us in, we'll help. The answers we seek are in SSundee's library." Mitzefy replied.

"Thanks so much, girls!" Jerome replied.

The four walked to SSundee's library, without his consent again, but with his wife's consent.

"There's over a million books in here." Jerome groaned.

"I wish! But don't worry. You're looking at somebody who knows this place like the back of his hand!" Sigils replied proudly.

Mitzefy and Kate walks to another direction, seemingly walking to find books. "Where are you going, Kate?" Sigils asked.

"To the restricted section." Mitzefy replied, and Sigils eyes widened in shock.

Sigils started to hyperventilate. "There's a... a reh... a reh... a reh..."

"Breathe, Andrew." Jerome replied, and walked to the direction the women were walking.

Kate and Mitzefy walked to a corner and pulled two books, that has two logos, and the bookshelves opened an alleyway, and the two women looked back.

Sigils's mouth dropped, and Jerome closed his mouth, and walked towards the restricted area.

The four walked down countless of steps until arriving to a door, and the women opened the door to the restricted area, and Sigils had a prolonged gasp and spoke, "Oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh-oh-my-gosh! So many books all unread! Ancient historical artefacts!" Sigils exclaimed and gasped.

He grabbed a few books and continued, "I just... I thought...! I can't...!" He then took a really, really deep breath, and Jerome teased, "You sure you're up for going through all this stuff?"

"DON'T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!" Sigils exclaimed.

"I should warn you, however. The archives' mechanical catalog has not been... well-maintained." Kate said, gesturing to a catalog that had a number of vines and cobwebs, appearing that it was not touched for thousands of years.

"Guess we'll have to read everything! C'mon!" Sigils cheered.

After a while till it reached midnight, everyone was asleep, except Jerome and Sigils, who were still researching at SSundee's restricted library.

Jerome yawned tiredly, and said some interesting things he read. "Did you know the previous assassin leader Wisp tried to pass a law mandating Americans drink hot chocolate at every meal? I do. Know that. Now."

"Awww. Sounds like you got to read all the fun books." Sigils replied, then he yawns. "I should probably take a break from looking..."

Jerome sighs, but Sigils runs up excitedly to him and said,

"Because I found something!" 

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