40.5: A Day in the Afterlife

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(Those chapters that have 0.5 means that they're special chapters! There will be some, and this part is one of them!)

"Where am I?" A boy at around 9 years old asks.

"Welcome to the Afterlife, young one." Crainer greeted, then kneeling down, and asked, "Not to be rude, but may I ask, how did you die?"

"I had something called cancer, I don't know what it means." The boy replies.

That poor thing... Slogo thought.

"You poor thing, I'm so sorry to hear that." Crainer apologised.

"Where am I going, sir?" The boy asks.

"You're going to heaven. You'll meet kind people over there." Crainer reassured.

"But I want my plush toy!" The boy demanded.

"What plush toy are you talking about?" Slogo asks, kneeling down next to him.

"It was a slug! And uh... it was grey, and a little bit of yellow. He was my idol but he's dead now, and I hope to see him at heaven." The boy explains.

"Oh, him? Slogoman?" Crainer asked. "Yeah, him." The boy confirms.

"I'm right here." Slogo replies, and the boy turns around to see his idol. He gasped. "It's you! You're- you're Slogo!" The boy said.

"I sure am." Slogo replied.

"You're the Guardian of Hell? That's so cool!" The boy exclaims.

"Yeah yeah, it sure is. But now, you can go to your new home, which is right behind you." Slogo replied, pointing to Crainer's direction.

"But I wanna go to your place!" The boy wailed.

"My place is for bad people only, little one, sorry. Meanwhile, Crainer will take care of you and he'll allow you to visit me if you want." Slogo replied.

"Yay! Thank you!" The boy exclaimed.

As the boy went into heaven, the two Guardians couldn't help but discuss about that situation earlier.

"That's so cute! It's way cuter than Jelly!" Slogo replied.

"Since when did you think Jelly was cute?" Crainer asked.

"Never, that why I said he's cuter." Slogo relied.

Crainer sighed. "Always the way he is..."

"There's another one coming, let's prepare." Slogo replied, getting back to position.

"Hello, welcome to the afterlife-" Crainer greeted, but the man entering the afterlife exclaims, "Take me to heaven! My stupid wife is there!"

Crainer and Slogo looked at each other, and Crainer signalled Slogo to do 'it'.

"You're coming with me." Slogo said, turning the man into a devil and throws him into the abyss of hell.

"Another bad one. Can we get a good one?" Crainer groaned.

"Even I feel bad. It's a little bummer that some assassins also end up at hell." Slogo replied.

"With the amount of souls streaming here, I can tell Henwy's a little stressed." Crainer replied, concerned. "I hope he's okay."

Well, let's just say it definitely isn't. Magical scrolls about people entering the afterlife after their deaths falls into the Time Capsule for the Time Guardian to write their percentages. It had grown to a stack, and Loaf, Henwy's assistant, was buried under the scrolls.

Loaf rummaged through the scrolls, and he spits out a scroll that was stuck in his mouth. "Henwy! Another stream of souls have arrived!" Loaf exclaimed from below.

Henwy, who was floated upstairs, scrolling through memory orbs, replied, "Can you review them for me?"

Loaf sighed and agreed, and pushed all the scrolls away, reviewing them one by one. Henwy's job was to review the streams of souls and give them their percentages, and to recruit people to save the future whenever it's in danger. But Henwy could be busy for time to time, that's why he had an assistant to help him.

"Ugh... why can't I find the past orb?!" Henwy groaned to himself.

"What are you finding?" Loaf asked, streaming though the souls that are arriving in the afterlife.

"A past orb! The one that Ian was in when he died!" Henwy exclaimed.

"That one? It's to your left, you'll find it." Loaf replied.

"Oh my gosh, it is! This is why you're my assistant, Loaf!" Henwy replied.

"I just do what I do best." Loaf replied.

"Also, why'd you need that orb for?" Loaf asked.

"Pat needed it. For scientific purposes..." Henwy said, his voice trailing off.

"He's probably just bored. Let's get him here." Loaf replied, and summoned Jelly in the Time Capsule, and when he was summoned, he was seen with his eyes closed, chewing on something, enjoying it. Henwy faked cough to gain his attention, and he screamed.

"UWAH!" Jelly shrieked, and fell off. "Get up, you lazy ass." Henwy replied, pulling Jelly up, and he brushed off the dust on his pants. "What?" Jelly asked.

Henwy passed Jelly a past orb and said, "Pat requested for this past orb. For whatever, scientific purposes... I don't know..."

"Alright, fine, I got it." Jelly replied, then leaving the Time Capsule and headed to the Cloud Forest, where the divine being was.

"Greetings, Pat." Jelly greeted, bowing down 90 degrees.

"I told you so many times just to address me normally, you don't have to be so formal." PatP replied.

"Right! Oh my god, I'm sorry!" Jelly replied, a little embarrassed.

"It's no big deal." PatP replied. "Thank you for delivering me the past orb."

"Why'd you need the orb for, anyway?" Jelly asked, curiosity piqued.

"For fun." Pat said, smiling guiltily.

"Oh my goodness..."

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