80: Shadows and Silhouettes

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Back at the assassin base, tension hung heavy in the air as the Regulars and Kate delivered their alarming report to the gathered assassins. Faces grew grim as the gravity of the situation sank in.

"If we don't act swiftly to save him, we risk losing another formidable ally," Slogo remarked, his voice laced with urgency. Before anyone could respond, a letter descended from the sky, fluttering down until Crainer snatched it from the air.

"It's from Wilbur!" he exclaimed, his voice a mix of relief and anxiety.

"Read it aloud," SSundee commanded, his tone brooking no argument.

Curiosity piqued, the assassins leaned in, eager to hear the contents of the missive.

"Wait, how did they manage to send a letter here?" Zud interjected, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Questions can wait. Let's hear what Wilbur has to say about Henwy," GarryBlox interjected, his tone betraying his concern.

Crainer cleared his throat and began to read aloud, his voice wavering slightly with emotion. "Dear assassins, Henwy is in grave danger, and so are you. He has been drained of much of his color, his hair fading to white, and his strength waning by the moment. But that's not all. The serial killers are on their way to your base, armed with a perfume bottle that saps Henwy's power. We're doing everything we can to rescue him, but you must be prepared. Send reinforcements to aid in his escape, for I fear two of us alone may not be enough to free him swiftly."

Silence descended upon the room as the weight of Wilbur's words settled over them like a shroud. Mitzefy was the first to break the silence, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "They're coming here to attack us?"

Ambrew nodded grimly. "We must prepare ourselves for whatever may come."

As the assassins mobilized, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the base. "They're here," Jerome declared, his hand instinctively reaching for his weapon. "It's time to set our plan in motion."

Outside, the serial killers advanced, unaware of the traps laid in wait for them. Gold and Kwebbelkop silently dispatched hidden cameras, ensuring their approach remained undetected. Suddenly, a sword clattered to the ground before them, a tempting invitation. Tilt moved to seize it, but before he could act, Slogo materialized behind him, swiftly rendering him unconscious with a well-placed kick.

"Welcome back, fellow serial killers," Slogo greeted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

With a flourish, Crainer appeared beside him, landing gracefully on his feet. "You didn't think we'd be expecting you?"

The Shadowcaster's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Biffle and Nico emerged from the shadows, their presence adding to the growing tension. "Thanks to your warning, we were ready and waiting," Jerome explained, his voice tinged with satisfaction.

The Shadowcaster's eyes widened in realization. "You mean Tubbo and Wilbur..."

"They've been working with us all along," GarryBlox confirmed, his gaze steely.

Though betrayed, the serial killers refused to yield, their determination unshaken. "We still have power," Karan declared defiantly.

SSundee's response was swift and cutting. "You're welcome to try."

Meanwhile, deep in the heart of enemy territory, three intrepid assassins embarked on a daring rescue mission. Loaf, Sigils, and Kate raced toward the serial killer base, their hearts pounding with adrenaline-fueled determination.

"How much farther?" Loaf inquired, his voice tight with anticipation.

"We're almost there," Kate reassured him, her eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger.

Arriving at their destination, they wasted no time in announcing their presence, pounding on the door until Wilbur appeared, granting them entry. Rushing to the diamond cage, they found Henwy weakened and drained, his once-vibrant colors faded to a dull pallor.

"We're here to free you, Henwy," Sigils declared, his voice ringing with resolve.

But Tubbo, ever the cautious strategist, urged them to wait. "Not yet! It's too dangerous. If you enter now, you'll be drained too!"

Eager to aid their friend but unwilling to risk further harm, the assassins waited anxiously as Tubbo worked to disable the source of Henwy's captivity. Moments later, with a triumphant shout, Tubbo succeeded, breaking the enchantment amd collar, restoring Henwy's strength.

With newfound vigor coursing through his veins, Henwy rose to his feet, confusion etched upon his features. "What's happening? Where am I?"

Loaf stepped forward, a small vial in hand. "You've been slowly drained, but we're here to help."

As the potion worked its magic, Henwy's colour returned, his talent reignited like a dormant flame. With a grateful smile, he embraced his rescuers, a silent testament to their unbreakable bond.

"We need to leave, now," Wilbur urged, his voice urgent. "But first, Henwy, we follow your lead."

Back at the battleground, the serial killers' desperation reached a fever pitch as their plans crumbled around them. The perfume meant to bolster their strength proved ineffective, leaving them vulnerable and exposed.

"He's already drained?" The Shadowcaster's disbelief was palpable, his anger simmering just beneath the surface.

Zud's voice trembled with fury. "You've killed him!"

But there was no remorse in the Shadowcaster's response, only cold indifference. "It's too late for regrets."

Before they could react, an axe thudded to the ground before them, a harbinger of impending doom. "Who dares challenge us?" the Shadowcaster demanded, his tone laced with menace.

A voice, calm and confident, cut through the tension like a knife. "It seems we've arrived just in time to join the fray."

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