85: Final Battle Arc; Echoes of Vengeance

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The night was draped in shadows, each one carrying the weight of Kate's simmering rage. As Sigils dared to inquire if anger fueled her, she found herself submerged in memories, a tempest of sorrow and retribution. Her voice, a low growl, echoed in the chamber, recounting the agony of her past—the loss of her parents, the slaughter of her siblings, and the annihilation of her successors' kin. Nico, Biffle, Zud, Loaf—their names etched in her mind alongside the crimson stain of betrayal.

But it was Yakoun who ignited the fiercest flames within her, his very existence an affront to her purpose. Her blade wavered at his throat, a fleeting moment of vulnerability, before she stumbled into the abyss. Yet, even in her descent, Yakoun's icy grasp enveloped her, his embrace a mockery of solace. Tears mingled with the chilling touch of his praise, his words a venomous caress against her wounded pride.

"So admirable! You've tried so hard! I'm impressed! Such a weak girl can do this much!" His voice dripped with patronizing indulgence, a dagger twisted in her soul.

Yakoun, the embodiment of her torment, dissected her worth with callous precision. "You don't have your trainer's talent, but you've done so much as an assassin! It's a miracle you aren't dead yet!" His words lingered in the air, a damning verdict pronounced upon her existence.

As Yakoun poised to consume her, the finality of her fate loomed before her. "Any last words?" he inquired, his appetite for cruelty insatiable.

"Go to hell," she spat, defiance the only armor she possessed.

But fate, fickle and merciless, intervened in the form of approaching footsteps. Mitzefy, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, breached the sanctum of the cult's lair, her voice a desperate plea. "Kate!"

In that fleeting moment of distraction, Kate's silent plea for salvation was intercepted by Yakoun's relentless grasp. The sickening crunch of bone echoed in Mitzefy's ears as horror painted her features, a silent witness to the brutality unfolding before her.

With a surge of futile defiance, Mitzefy launched herself towards her fallen comrade, her blade poised to strike. But Yakoun, a predator attuned to every nuance of his prey, evaded her assault with ease, his laughter a symphony of derision.

"Woah! That's dangerous! Don't try to cut me when I'm right in the middle of absorbing someone!" Yakoun taunted, his amusement a twisted mockery of humanity.

As Mitzefy's fury threatened to consume her, Yakoun reveled in his depravity, relishing the taste of his victim's essence. "Did she tell you about my powers? It just took a moment. Impressive," he mused, his arrogance a testament to his unchecked power.

But amidst the chaos and despair, a voice resonated in her head—a beacon of clarity amidst the storm. "Sometimes, you feel that the people you care about and for those important to you will still be alive tomorrow. But that's just your hope. And there's no way you can promise that with any certainty," SSundee's wisdom echoed, a somber reminder of life's fragile tapestry.

Why do people believe such things?

Meanwhile, Nico, a figure haunted by shadows of his own, confronted a specter from his past. With measured resolve, he called forth the demon lurking in the darkness, his voice a symphony of defiance and contempt. "You're there, right? Come on out," he demanded, his tone a challenge to the abyss.

The voice, a whisper of malice and memory, emerged from the depths, its presence a chilling reminder of past sins. "There is no way... to speak to your senior," it sneered, its arrogance a testament to its infernal heritage.

Nico, undeterred by the specter of his past, met its gaze with steely resolve. "You look a little better than when I last saw you, but... as usual, you're still shabby," he retorted, his words a barbed rebuke aimed at the heart of darkness.

"It's been a while, Nicolas," the voice acknowledged, a veneer of civility masking its malevolence.

"Why are you considering me as your junior?" Nico challenged, his defiance a shield against the encroaching darkness. "Obviously serial killers become demons, why am I not surprised?" he taunted, a spark of defiance igniting within him.

"You killed my family after all."

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