64: Assassin Training Arc; Poison Immunity

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Moving to the next training, Sigils realised it was Wisp doing the Poison Immunity test. Wasn't he dead?

"Hello, Sigils!" Wisp greeted. Sigils was confused. Wasn't Wisp dead...?

"Not to be rude, but aren't you dead...?" Sigils asked. "Sorry to be rude."

"That's alright, I get comments like these too. So Jelly and I were tasked from the afterlife to to conduct poison immunity and escape training because we were kind of the only ones who could conduct it better, and they weren't many assassins who were high ranked assassins, so we were recruited, and well, we know what we are doing to the assassins." Wisp explained.

"I see." Sigils replied. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Well... did you see Marisa and Zud earlier?" Wisp asked.

"Uhm... yeah? They were injured...? Badly poisoned? I think they were in a mission." Sigils noted.

"They weren't. What training is this?" Wisp questioned.

"Poison immunity...?" Sigils asked, then realised the problem. Mitzefy and Zud weren't poisoned by serial killers.

They were poisoned in the training.

"Uhm..." Sigils stammered.

"You don't have a choice." Wisp replied, dragging him to the course.

"Nooooooo..." Sigils whined.

"Relax, since you're one of Henry's pretty close friends, I'll give you a head start, alright?" Wisp reassured, then takes out a bottle of purple liquid.

"What's tha-"

"Drink this." Wisp suggested.

"Why...?" Sigils asked.

"JUST DRINK IT!" Wisp exclaimed, forcing the liquid into Sigils's mouth, and he flinched.

"Ow! My head hurts!" Sigils said, groaning. "Is this the training?!" Sigils asked.

"Yeah, pretty much. This is your training. Survive. I'll be at Applebee's at Happy hour." Wisp replied, leaving, and also leaving Sigils groaning.

"W-What kind o-of training is t-this?!" Sigils asked, groaning at the pain he was feeling right now. How is he going to deal with the poison?

That's when he remembered the poison PatP has taught him: the poison used in the assassin grounds was called wisteria poison, which could kill demons.

Sigils felt like throwing up, having stomachaches, and weak. "Why is this... so painful?"

Oral burning, stomachaches, diarrhoea and vomiting are symptoms of wisteria poison. Sigils was not having it, and Wisp has apparently left him to suffer. Is this how training in the assassin grounds feel like?

...Yes, it is.

Sigils wanted to give up, and just complain to his friends about how painful the training was.


"If you are immune to lightning, you should be immune to other things."


Back in the assassin grounds, before the assassin meeting began, Loaf visited Sigils at the medical bay.

"So, how are you feeling?" Loaf asked.

"Better than ever!" Sigils replied.

"By the way, Loaf." Sigils added.

"What is it?" Loaf questioned.

"During the fight with the demons, I was struck by lightning, but I didn't feel any pain. Only having headaches though, but I wanted to know if you know anything about this." Sigils explained.

"Well, if you didn't get injured by lightning, I think it means you're immune. Well normally, if you're immune to something, there will definitely be more things you're immune to." Loaf predicted.

"So is poison something I'm not immune to? Dang it!" Sigils exclaimed.

But then, he remembered something Henwy mentioned about a antidote to wisteria poison. It was something called hydrogen peroxide solution, which is used as an oxidizer, bleaching agent, and antiseptic, usually as a dilute solution in water for consumer use, and in higher concentrations for industrial use.

But then Sigils realised something. According to Henwy, Wisp would never leave his friends behind unless he's hidden some surprises for them.

"Maybe that's the training! I have to find the antidote that helps heal the poison, facing all the poison symptoms!" Sigils assumed.

After a while, he saw a cork , presumably a bottle, sticking out of a bush. "There it is!"

Unfortunately, it was just a single cork. "Agh! I was fooled!" Sigils complained.

"Maybe it's around the bush!" Biffle, who walked past, suggested.

Honestly, I trust Biffle Luck at this point. Sigils thought.

Rummaging around the bush, Sigils finally found the bottle, and drank it, feeling a lot better.

"I DID IT!" Sigils cheered, finally relieved he's free.

"Took you long enough." Wisp said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"AGH-! Where'd you come from?!" Sigils asked, bewildered at his sudden appearance.

"It's been like, 3 hours, you survived for that long finding the antidote?" Wisp asked.

"Well, it took me long enough!" Sigils chided.

"Well, you can go. Good luck on the mid test." Wisp quipped.

On to the mid test!

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