28: Threads of Deception

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The following day, SSundee awoke to find it was already noon; most assassins were out on patrol or fulfilling their duties. At the dining table, his oldest son Colton questioned his unease.

"The Shadowcaster's identity. I've been dying to know, but nobody will tell me. They say I might be traumatized," SSundee replied.

"It's for your own good, Dad," Colton asserted.

"That's what everyone has said!" SSundee complained.

"They're right, Ian," Madelyn interjected, walking in with Gideon and Simeon, his other sons.

"I guess they are..." SSundee conceded.

"Huwwy up, Dad! Your coffwee's getting cold!" Simeon chimed in.

"Thanks for your concern, Simeon," SSundee replied.

Later that afternoon, as Kate and Zud returned to the base, Zud inquired about Kate's uniform. "I heard from Henwy your uniform was very revealing. How'd you make it like it is now?"

"He never told you what happened?" Kate asked.

"No... he just mentioned the uniform incident and complained about reviewing streams of souls practically every second," Zud replied.

Kate sighed and explained that Henwy had managed to burn the uniform and threatened the man responsible unless he provided the necessary requirements, or he'd end up like him—dead.

"Geez, tough situation," Zud remarked. "Last time I met him, he was so cheerful. Didn't know he was scary now."

"But anyway, when do you think we should tell Ian that Lance is the Shadowcaster?" Zud questioned.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?" Kate said.

"Ian said if we hide secrets from him and want to tell him, we need the highest-ranked assassins' approval," Zud remarked.

"And...?" Kate asked.

"That's why I'm asking you!" Zud exclaimed.

"I don't know how to answer! What about Henwy?! He's the highest-ranked assassin! I only became a high-ranked assassin after completing his training!" Kate replied.

"Yeah, but he's dead, Kate," Zud reminded.

"...oh," Kate replied flatly.

"But also, what do you mean by Henwy trained you?" Zud asked, curiosity piqued.

Kate began to recount her story when she joined the assassins.

Joining the assassins, Kate struggled with the new routine, doing things she never wished to do—running endlessly, leaping from building to building, gaining strength and reflexes. Henwy, however, was different. Despite the chaos...

"Why do I have to carry this much weight?! I'm a female!" Kate complained, groaning at the burden.

Instead of scolding her, Henwy stayed silent, watching her intensely.

"Can't you help?" Kate asked Mitzefy, who was also watching.

Mitzefy hesitated, but when she asked Henwy for help, he rejected her request and told her to stay put.

Desperate, Kate wanted to give up. She asked Henwy if she could, but he stayed silent.

"I'm guessing I could," Kate shrugged, but Henwy suddenly reminded her, "If you give up, you'll never prove to men that you are stronger than them."

Kate realized why Henwy stayed quiet—he wanted her to realize on her own that she couldn't give up.

Over time, Kate improved her stats, surpassing some of the guys, effortlessly jumping from building to building, and having reflexes better than any other, earning her the title of a high-ranked assassin in a year.

"So... he trained you without even assisting you? Like he just spoke some random words, and you became a high-ranked assassin?!" Zud exclaimed.

"Yeah, pretty much," Kate replied.

"But I think we should be telling Ian soon," Kate declared, until a voice interrupted them.

"You're telling him?"

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