29: Veiled Secrets

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"UWAH!" Zud yelped, leaping onto Kate, startled.

"What on earth are you both doing?" a voice inquired.

The voice belonged to Sigils, who had been trailing them.

"Seriously, why were you following us?" Zud questioned.

"I overheard your discussion about the Shadowcaster's identity, so I tagged along," Sigils confessed.

"Kate, are you really planning to spill the beans to Ian about the Shadowcaster?" Sigils inquired.

"We don't have a choice. It's time," Kate responded.

"Alright, let's grab lunch first and then spill the beans to Ian about the Shadowcaster's identity. Agreed?" Kate proposed.

"I'm in," Zud agreed.

"As long as we give Ian a heads-up, count me in too," Sigils nodded.

Returning to the assassins' base, they found SSundee deeply engrossed in practicing his combat skills. Zud aimed to spill the news, but Sigils stopped him.

"Why stop me?" Zud questioned.

"I don't think now's the right moment to disrupt his mood," Sigils suggested.

"True," Kate concurred.

"Maybe later, when he's more relaxed," Sigils proposed.

After a waiting period, SSundee remained occupied, spending quality time with his family.

"How occupied can he get?" Kate wondered.

"Should we just drop the idea?" Zud pondered.

"But he's desperate to know," Sigils reminded.

"Perhaps when he calls us for a mission," Kate suggested.

"That could work," Sigils agreed. As the night wore on, SSundee continued his family duties, never seeming to have a spare moment for the assassins.

"Does he ever get a break?" Zud complained.

"At this rate, I'm not surprised. Being a dad is a full-time gig," Sigils remarked.

Yet, the next day, SSundee remained engrossed... again.

"I have a feeling we should have told him when he was practicing his combat moves." Kate commented.

"Will he ever refocus on the assassins?" Zud sighed.

"Don't worry, I've got an idea," Sigils assured.

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