81: Final Battle Arc

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(There's an Easter egg hidden in here! 🥚)

The figures emerged from the shadows, revealing themselves to be Sigils, Kate, Loaf, Henwy, Tubbo, and Wilbur, much to the surprise of Corey and SSundee. "Did you miss us?" Tubbo's voice echoed through the tense atmosphere.

Mas's voice wavered with disbelief. "Tubbo, Wilbur... You betrayed us!"

Tubbo quickly interjected, "That was the plan all along. We never wanted to become serial killers!"

SSundee corrected him, "Assassins!" He rallied the group, calling for them to gather behind him. "Assemble!"

The clash of blades and the crackle of magic filled the air as allies turned adversaries clashed in a dance of death. The Shadowcaster's taunts echoed across the battlefield, a reminder of the stakes at hand.

"You'll never win this, Sunday!" the Shadowcaster mocked, his voice dripping with malice.

SSundee's jaw tightened with determination. "I won't let you win either!"

But amidst the chaos, danger lurked in the shadows. A serial killer lunged towards SSundee, a gleaming blade aimed at his heart, only to be thwarted by a swift kick from Sigils.

"Thanks," SSundee grunted, acknowledging the timely save.

Sigils nodded, his gaze sharp. "Stay focused, we're not out of this yet."

Meanwhile, Slogo and Crainer, recognizing the urgency of the situation, set off on a desperate mission to find the cure that Loaf had been tirelessly working on. They knew that time was running out, that the fate of both worlds depended on their success.

As the battle raged into the evening, a rift tore open in the fabric of reality, heralding the arrival of a new threat. A figure emerged, tall and imposing, with an aura of darkness that sent shivers down the spines of those who beheld him.

The assembled warriors turned their attention to the newcomer, their weapons at the ready. But the figure merely sneered, his voice dripping with contempt.

"I'm your worst nightmare," he declared, his words a chilling omen of things to come.

Yet, instead of striking fear into the hearts of his foes, the figure's arrogance elicited laughter from the ranks of the assassins and serial killers.

"You think you can intimidate us?" SSundee chuckled, his eyes flashing with defiance.

But Henwy, ever perceptive, sensed the true nature of the threat. "It's a trap!" he shouted, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

Before anyone could react, massive doors materialized beneath their feet, sending them tumbling into the depths of the Demon Castle. Alxton, who came at a bad timing, was caught off guard, narrowly escaped the same fate thanks to Henwy's quick thinking.

As Slogo and Crainer returned with the cure in hand, they were met with chaos and confusion. The portal loomed ominously before them, a gateway to unknown horrors.

"What in the world is happening?" Crainer exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Henwy wasted no time in explaining the gravity of the situation. "The demon king has returned, and he's taken our comrades captive. We have to act fast."

"We have to help them. Alxton, I need your help," Henwy declared, turning to the seemingly nonchalant Alxton.

"Me?! What do you want me to do? I can't fight!" Alxton protested.

"It's not that. I just want you to make sure the assassin base is safe. Intruders could come in," Henwy reassured him.

"I think I can handle it. Go save the world already!" Alxton replied with a determined nod.

Without wasting a moment, Henwy, Slogo, and Crainer leaped into the portal, leaving Alxton to secure the home base. As they materialized in the demonic realm, the group found themselves surrounded by eerie landscapes and foreboding shadows.

"I'm afraid I have not introduced myself. I am the Asmodeus, the demon king..."

"And welcome to my territory of demons."

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