75: Unlikely Allies in the Shadows

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(Happy Valentines Day! Unfortunately, this chapter ain't Valentines related XD)

Henwy's eyes narrowed as he confronted the unexpected duo. "What do you mean you want to help me? I want nothing to do with you!" he exclaimed, his skepticism palpable.

Wilbur sighed, a hint of regret in his eyes. "The truth is, we never wanted to be serial killers," he explained, attempting to justify their dubious association.

Henwy, still wary, questioned, "Then... why are you serial killers?"

Tubbo chimed in, "We had no other choice. Serial killers accept everyone that signs up."

"Jeez, no wonder they're so weak," Henwy teased, unable to resist a snide comment.

Wilbur continued, "We wanted to join the assassins, but we weren't deemed worthy enough."

Inwardly, Henwy criticized Jerome's decision-making skills. Ugh, Jerome really needs to review others better. He thought to himself.

"How can I trust you?" Henwy replied, his doubt lingering.

"If we were to kill you, we would have done it already and we wouldn't have locked the door or talked to you," Tubbo pointed out, attempting to reassure Henwy.

Sighing, Henwy conceded, "That's true..."

"Fine, I'll trust you. What can you do?" Henwy asked, cautiously opening up to the possibility of an alliance.

Wilbur suggested, "Can you send a letter to your friends?"

Henwy, intrigued, questioned, "You can do that without getting suspicious? How?"

"I've learned how serial killers send messages to their own villagers. They use crows to send it," Tubbo replied, revealing an unexpected skill set.

"But wouldn't the crows get suspicious and snitch on the leader?" Henwy astutely pointed out, maintaining his cautious demeanor.

Wilbur nodded in acknowledgment. "That's true..."

Henwy suggested an alternative, "Why not just physically go there and transfer the message yourself?"

"We have to avoid suspicion. You can try your best to explain the situation and gain their trust," Wilbur added, acknowledging the challenges ahead.

"But what if they don't believe us when you show them the letter?" Tubbo voiced a valid concern.

Henwy, always quick on his feet, replied confidently, "No worries. Here's the plan."

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