93: Final Battle Arc; Returning Spirit

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In the last few hundred years, Caim has never seen a human being without a fighting spirit. Every baby has a faint fighting spirit, but I'm the moment, Sigils's fighting moment disappeared. Caim's compass didn't respond, and he was confused.

"I'm... beheaded? How?" Caim's mind raced as his head rolled to the ground, his gaze locking with Sigils, whose eyes held a darker shade of green, an unsettling deviation from the norm.

But as the demon crumbled into dust, Sigils collapsed, muttering words that hung heavy in the air. "It's... over..."

He then face-planted into the ground, unresponsive. Surprised that Sigils had suddenly fainted, Karan tries to call out to him, "Sigils...", but faints from exhaustion as well, resting his body on his broken sword.

In the aftermath, a defeated demon, deprived of Caim's presence, taunted from the shadows. "Weren't you going to kill me, Caim?" he jeered, mocking the warrior's perceived weakness.

"How exceeding weak."

Yakoun hears the new of Caim's demise and comments, "Could Caim be dead? Felt a strange sensation for a moment, but I guess it was just my imagination. As if he had become some different kind of creature... But he's gone, so I'll never know!"

Turning back to the victim, he asks, "Where were we? Oh your name! What's your name?"

Mitzefy took deep breaths in, and breathed in heavily. "I am Marisa."

"Kate's best friend."

Yakoun is confused, judging that she doesn't appear similar to the two but nonetheless comments that young girls are delicious anyway. While on the subject of eating women, Yakoun mentions his subordinate's conscious decision to not eat them, owing that fact to his demise.

"That's enough. I don't want to hear anymore." Mitzefy cut him off.

"You can stop spouting out lies." Mitzefy continued.

"I know every word coming from your mouth... is a thoughtless lie. You're not sad. Not even a little bit." Mitzefy accused.

"The colour of your face hasn't changed at all even though your 'best friend' died. You haven't paled, and face isn't flushed with anger." Mitzefy stated.

"That's because I'm a demon." Yakoun stated.

"Demons' eyes are always moist, so they don't blink. But their blood circulates the same as humans, so their complexion changes." Mitzefy stated. "As Kate's parents died, they were sorry for you."

"You don't feel anything, do you?"

"People born into this world can feel joy, sadness and anger and other emotions so strongly that they tremble. But that's all just a mystery to you, isn't it? But you're smart enough, by making up lies... and only pretend to be happy or have fun or be sad so that you won't reveal your empty heart. Enjoying happy things... facing difficult things and painful things... like losing Kate... you're actually an empty shell. A ridiculous joke."

Mitzefy then mockingly asked, "Why were you even born?"

Yakoun comments that throughout his life, he has talked with numerous young women but never a 'bully' like Mitzefy and asks how could she say something so cruel. Mitzefy retaliates by saying her outright hatred of him, her desire to cut off his head. She changes her opinion of him, "you're not very smart, are you", calling him a disgrace, and smiling as she mentions it was better to kill him as his life is utterly pointless and meaningless.

Yakoun instantly appears behind her, trying to slice her neck. Mitzefy reacts in time however and crouches down to slash through his abdomen. When he tries to send out ice dolls to hit her, she dodges the incoming attack to safety. As Yakoun heals, he comments, "She's reacting faster. She's adapting to my lives and fighting style. She isn't inhaling the powder freeze scattered by my fan."

"Even that hand sign that said 'Don't breathe it in', it would be hard not to while engaged in close combat." Yakoun thought.

"This girl... might just be..."

"A little more talented than the assassin I just ate."

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