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Hey, how's it going?

My name is Lilian... last name really unimportant (I change it so much I don't even care anymore). The guy who just walked by is Jase. He's a bit concerned about the consequences of this project of mine.

The one passing by now with a smile is Rony. Watch out for that one. He chuckled just now, but he's extremely dangerous. Ron can read minds, so be careful with your thoughts around him. Honestly, I don't know the range of his antenna, so I'd be cautious even when he's not that close.

" What?"

Jase, in the other room, wants to know why Ron is laughing. As you can see, they have the gift of whispering to each other so that I don't hear.

"Oh, now, that's a lie! It's not our fault you suffer from selective attention."

Ron. Always Ron. So yeah, Jase is kind of a bodyguard, and Ron is here to help him. We had a recent change in the... family, and luckily Ron agreed to stay to help with the transition.

And why do I need a bodyguard? They say I can't die. But then, why would I need a bodyguard, right? The point is that they also say that, in addition to not dying, I'm the only one who can be a mother. Honestly, I don't know if I believe any of this.

About being a mother, yes, that's true. I was once a mother, but she is no longer with us.

Now, about not dying, I still don't know if I believe it. I've been through some more serious situations, but my body always seemed to recover like everyone else's.

The fact is, I'm surrounded by people who believe this. Like everyone in life, I've had my ups and downs, but now I'm in a good phase.

That's why I decided to open my home and welcome folks like you, even if it's just for a chat.

So feel free to stay as long as you want, really. Get comfy.

I have all the time in the world.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now