It was the blood of goats and gazelles that revived me, not yours

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"Are you out of your mind, Miguel?!" Guilherme exclaimed when his brother shared my intentions. We were in an abandoned apartment in the old city center. While Miguel and Guilherme conversed in the bedroom, I waited for them in the living room. "Then let her go!" Guilherme's voice rang out once more. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for Miguel, caught in the middle of it all.

"Guilherme!" I called out, rising from the filthy sofa where I sat, my irritation evident. After a moment, he appeared at the doorway, his hands resting on the frame, attempting to maintain composure.

"Yes, mother?" he responded, his tone strained.

"I need you to take me to those people. There's an urgent matter I must discuss with them. You know I wouldn't be here if it weren't important."

"Well, I'm saying I won't," he retorted firmly.

"Miguel?" I turned to him, hoping for support.

"I won't go without him," Miguel affirmed.

And then my frustration boiled over.

"Fine, if Guilherme accepts my request, you can stay behind. Clearly, you are just a coward hiding behind his brother's shadow! I was wrong to think you could assist me. You lack the courage for it!"

"No, mother, he's simply not naive enough to be manipulated by you!" Guilherme defended his brother.

"And you, you ingrate! How dare you address me as 'mother' after attempting to kill me? I cared for you, as I did for your brothers, and this is how you repay me!"

"Speaking of care, woman? It was your affection for that murderer that led me to take certain actions! You loved him, and now you want to exploit us to get to him! Perhaps we were right about you after all!"

"Don't try to confuse your brother with your nonsense! You're cunning, you know how to play games! Read my mind now and tell him what you see!" In that moment, thoughts of Cesar flooded my mind, memories of him being attacked by those men resurfacing.

"Then he's dead. There's no point in revisiting the past."

"What's she talking about, brother?"

"That grumpy man she lived with. The one who didn't approve of our visits."

"Is that true, mother?"

"He was severely injured that day," I explained.

"Is that why you're pursuing those criminals?" Miguel inquired.

"Yes, perhaps they can provide a clue to his whereabouts."

"You're being reckless. They'll never disclose it to you. They'll likely lead you to the same fate!" Guilherme interjected impatiently.

"Stop speaking as if he's already dead! We don't know that for certain!"

"And why should I care? His life or death is inconsequential to me. When he was alive, he prevented us from seeing you, but now I couldn't care less about who you are."

"Brother, don't say such things!" Miguel intervened.

"I know you're indifferent," I acknowledged. "Nevertheless, I implore your help. You're the only ones who can assist me. I gave you my blood so you could survive. Now, I need you to return the favor."

At this, Guilherme's anger flared.

"Remember this, woman. It was the blood of goats and gazelles that revived me, not yours. I owe you nothing."

"I saved your brothers," I countered.

"Then what's left of them may  thank you for it. I have no obligation to you. Now, have a good day!"

With that, he retreated into the other room. Miguel looked at me, uncertain of what to do. Without further delay, I left.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now