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The vampires' apartment was located in the center of the city. I left there walking confidently, akin to a queen, yet mechanically, as if I were a robot. Soon, I arrived home.

Upon reaching home, I informed Amin and the other employees that I hadn't heard from Cesar and needed to rest. Consequently, everyone with tasks at home was excused from work.

I maintained composure until I stepped inside the house. As soon as I closed the door, I flung my bag aside and leaned against it to remove my shoes. Upon surveying the scene, despair washed over me, and tears began to flow.

Where could he be?

I felt suffocated by my own helplessness. Cesar was the most significant person in my life, yet I couldn't locate him. The thought of returning to the desert crossed my mind, but the memory of my previous futile attempt, aimlessly wandering until I collapsed, dissuaded me.

My incapacity gnawed at me from within. Anger surged through me, and I began to smash objects in the house in a fit of desperation and agony. Soon, Amin barged in to assist me.

"Calm down, madam!" he pleaded, restraining me to prevent further damage.

I screamed, cried, and struggled to break free until he called for additional help. In the chaos, I accidentally knocked over a wooden sculpture of a horse that Cesar cherished. Its shattering marked the tipping point, and I felt as though I might perish from sheer despair.

One of the men administered a tranquilizer, akin to sedating an animal, and soon, its effects lulled me into a deep slumber.


The next day, I awoke with sore muscles enveloping my body. I rose with difficulty and surveyed the house, finding everything meticulously arranged as before, with the horse sculpture glued back together.

I ventured outside to speak with Amin.

"Good morning, madam," he greeted.

"Any updates?" I inquired.

"Unfortunately, no," he responded, engrossed in his tasks. "Shouldn't we consider involving the authorities?"

"No," I asserted. "They wouldn't be of any help."

"But if he's missing—"

"I said no."

He continued his work in silence until he finished. After a while, he broke the silence.

"You may not have realized the depth of your love for him, just as you may underestimate your own strength," he remarked. As I contemplated his words, he continued, "Even if the worst has occurred, you must bid him farewell. Do not lose hope."

"I'm going back to the city to search for any clues," I declared.

"I can accompany you, madam, if you wish."

"It won't be necessary. You're coordinating the search efforts; it's best for you to remain accessible to everyone."

"You're right."

I excused myself and returned inside, where I had breakfast and prepared to depart. Without a plan in mind, I knew only that I had to leave the house.

And so, I set out. My thoughts centered on finding Rony, who could aid me in locating Cesar. The last time I had seen him was in the city.


I wandered through the city, scanning every corner, mentally calling out to Ron. Though I attempted to reach him telepathically, there was no response.

After an hour, I found myself near the company where I worked. To add to my distress, I encountered Ian on the street.

"Sarah! Are you alright? I've been worried about you!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, everything's fine," I replied.

"I hate to intrude, but you still don't seem well. Can we sit down and talk?" he proposed.

"Not now, I really have to—"

"Please," he insisted. "It won't take long. Sometimes, talking to someone can help."

Reluctantly, I agreed, realizing that a coffee might provide some solace. We proceeded to a nearby café.

As we sat down, awaiting our coffee, Ian broached the topic.

"Now, tell me, what happened?" he inquired, his gaze intent.

Contemplating his sincerity, I decided to unburden myself.

"A dear friend is missing. He was taken by a group of desert assassins, and I haven't heard from him since."

"Have you considered involving the authorities?" he suggested.

"I'd rather not," I replied.

"Why not?"

"I have my reasons."

"Alright," he acquiesced. "But what's your plan then?"

"I've come to the city to seek out another friend who might assist in the search."

"Could I be of any help?" he offered unexpectedly.

"I think it's best to involve as few people as possible," I replied.

"I understand, but perhaps a professional investigator could aid you. I have some contacts; I could pass them on to you, if you'd like."

"Oh, please! But..." Suddenly, a concern struck me. "How much would that cost?"

"Not much, depending on the scope of the investigation. I estimate around two thousand dollars would suffice," he disclosed.


"What's wrong?"

"I hadn't planned on spending so much at the moment... I might need it for other expenses."

"Regardless, you should proceed. You can take out a loan and have monthly payments deducted directly from your salary; it's quite affordable," he suggested.

"Salary that I'm not receiving, considering I'm not working," I countered.

"Technically, you are employed. You're entitled to payment at the end of each month, regardless of your presence in the office," he clarified.

"I won't be returning."

"What?" he exclaimed incredulously.

"With everything that's happening, I'm unable to focus. Besides, I don't know what condition I'll find him in, and..."

"Sarah, you can't be serious."

"I am. Please convey my message to your father. Let him know I appreciate the recommendation, but right now, I need to prioritize my family."

"Family? I thought you mentioned he was only a friend." I remained silent, allowing him to comprehend the situation. "I understand. Since when...?"

"Don't ask..."

"In any case, I must admit, I'm surprised. I'm sure my father will be surprised as well."

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now