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Despite staying up late the night before, I miraculously made it to work on time and got all my tasks done. Right before my shift ended, Ian gave me a ring, proposing a chat or a stroll. Regrettably, I had to decline, but Ian handled it like a champ, understanding my situation even though he wasn't thrilled about it.

Rushing home to change before meeting Guilherme, I knew I had to fill Cesar in on something.

"Why the rush tonight? Every night since that day, actually," he asked, flipping through a newspaper.

"Not avoiding you, nothing like that. I stumbled upon something incredible, and I can't resist!"

"Oh yeah? What's the scoop?" he asked, not overly interested.

Leaning in to share my answer discreetly (didn't want the house staff to eavesdrop), I saw him finally lower the newspaper.

"I found a group of vampires."


"Yes! Three of them are... asleep, I think, but one is wide awake. Total European vampire stereotype, seriously," I said, thrilled. "He goes by Guilherme, and he's Portuguese."

"Lilian, you're being pranked," Cesar dismissed, not taking me seriously.

"How can you say that? You didn't see him! I did. There's not a hint of life in that body, yet he walks and talks like a regular person. It's mind-blowing!"

"They might just be RPG players. They nail it when they're into the game," Cesar shrugged, brushing off my excitement.

"Cesar! I can't believe you're saying that! They're real! Guilherme is real, a genuine vampire!" When I said that, my eyes probably lit up with excitement.

After a brief pause, he said, "If it means that much to you, go ahead, hang out with them. At least you're having fun."

Ignoring his playful jab about me having fun, signaling that he wasn't, I grinned and kissed his cheek. I left the house with the enthusiasm of a teenager. Right before making my grand exit, he called:

"Hey. You coming back for dinner?"

"Probably not, my dear sirrrrr," I said, attempting a Portuguese accent as I bowed playfully. I was so hyped about my discovery that I wanted to inject some humor. Soon after, I headed to the vampires' house.

On the way, I pondered if Cesar might be onto something and that this could all be a game. I decided to pay more attention.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now