But I must have something good, or you wouldn't have agreed to marry me

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A few nights later, our assistant informed me that I had dinner plans. Without questioning her, I got ready as she suggested, following her instructions. The dress she chose was strange: it was white with sequins, long with just one strap, and had a purple flower also adorned with sequins. I confess I found the dress peculiar, but she must have known what she was doing. Some time later, Cesar also appeared to get ready.

"What's this dinner about?" I asked.

"Charity," he replied, finishing getting ready. I assumed the dress was related to the charity event's theme.

Upon arriving at dinner, I quickly noticed everyone else was dressed normally. No one else was wearing themed clothing. I didn't know what our assistant was thinking, but it was clear she had made a big mistake that night.

A few minutes later, we found Vince with his date.

"It's always good to see you," he said loudly, ironically, to Cesar.

"I say the same! How are you?" replied Cesar, as if they were long-time friends.

We spent some time at the dinner reception. While Cesar briefly greeted his acquaintances (similarly to how he did with Vince), I just smiled and went along with everything.

Then, Shannon arrived with a handsome companion. He was tall, sleek, wore an impeccable suit, and had visible tattoos on his hands and neck. He exuded an air of superiority that made Cesar uncomfortable.

"Hello!" Shannon said, smiling. "Good to see you here!"

Cesar remained silent, so I took the initiative.

"How are you?"

"This is Trevor," she introduced.

"Pleasure," I said. Cesar stayed serious, and Trevor only nodded slightly.

"Well, I suppose we should go inside," Shannon said. "See you there."

And they left. Cesar seemed more serious than I expected for the occasion.

"I guess we should go in too," I suggested, trying to lighten the mood. Without a word, he turned and walked towards our table.

Vince's table was nearby. He sat right in front of us, occasionally making faces to catch my attention. Cesar remained serious.

Shannon and her date went to the other side. Cesar followed them with his gaze.

"My God! You're jealous!" I said, realizing. I was outraged.

The tables were round with several seats. A man at our table pretended not to hear. Cesar remained silent but visibly upset. I was so distraught that I continued.

"All this time, I thought it was a lie. That you were just..."

"So you're determined to get on my nerves tonight!" Cesar spoke loudly, startling me. The man and a woman who had just arrived looked at him in surprise. I got scared and stopped talking. I looked at Vince, who asked me what was wrong, but I indicated there was nothing to worry about.

Soon, all the seats at the table were filled, and dinner began. Cesar remained quiet the entire time.

When we got home, I hurried to our room.

"How was dinner?" Ron asked, sitting in the living room with his two guests.

"Great," I said, continuing to my room. Cesar followed me.

In the room, he closed the door and looked at me with hatred. I looked away and started taking off my jewelry. He approached and said, "Take off that stupid dress!" He was already lowering the strap without worrying about it tearing. He was so angry with the dress that he opened the window and threw it out. When he turned back to me, I took a step back, extended my hand, and said, "No."

His temper scared me, so I decided nothing would happen that night. He didn't like it, but he complied with my request and left the room, slamming the door.

At breakfast, the atmosphere between us was terrible. Ron didn't understand. He saw the dress in the garden and imagined just the opposite.

With the dinner revelation, something had broken between Cesar and me. Now, I needed to discuss options with Ron so I could sign the divorce agreement.


The house had a small mini-golf course with a tiny lake as part of the course. During the day, I asked Ron to meet me there to talk about our future. In the late afternoon, I went to the field and sat on a bench. It didn't take long until I heard his voice.

"How's our little lake?" Ron asked, sitting down beside me.

"We need to talk about Cesar. The situation has changed a bit."

"Hello..." commented MaryAnne, approaching.

Feeling uncomfortable with the lack of privacy, I quickly found an excuse to leave. I ended up not being able to talk to him about leaving Cesar.


(external narrator)

Ron was a little worried. He knew Lilian wanted to talk about something but gave up because of MaryAnne. Later, he tried to find out how things were going on Cesar's side. When they were alone, he asked, "Is everything okay between you and the missus?"

"Everything is fine. Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. It's been a while since we talked, that's all."

Cesar continued with his papers. Ron insisted, "What's the status of the divorce?"

"We have another meeting scheduled in a few days."

"Is she agreeing to it now?"

Cesar leaned back, looking at Ron in disbelief. "What did she say?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious."

Cesar was pleased to realize, through Ron's comments, that Lilian was still jealous of Shannon.

Then Ron left. He still had only a few pieces of his puzzle.

(back to Lilly's)

At night, Cesar appeared humble and affectionate.

"Are you still upset about the dress?"


"Forgive your husband's rudeness," he said, kissing my neck.

"My husband... Is that why we fight so much?" I commented.

"Probably," he said, kissing the other side of my neck. "But I must have something good, or you wouldn't have agreed to marry me."

With a childish smile, he started kissing me, and soon we were together. That night, we fell asleep like a loving couple.


The next afternoon, Shannon showed up. I was furious at her mere presence and left the room as soon as she entered.

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن