Would you allow me to give you the kiss of death?

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When I reached the backyard of the house in the flower district, everyone was already there, and they seemed pretty upset that I was late.

"We said as soon as the sun went down, remember?" Velma exclaimed, sounding a bit impatient.

"Sorry, I have a job. I can't make it that early," I explained.

"Well, hurry up because Alex is waiting for you at the door with the offering," Velma insisted, giving me a little push. I rushed to the door and found a thin, nervous girl holding a goat.

"Are you sure you want to go in?" I asked, noticing her anxiety. She nodded vigorously, clutching the goat as if it were her own child.

I opened the door, headed straight to the bright room, and could feel poor Alex's fear as she left the goat in another room. She quickly returned to where I was.

"Just stay calm..." I reassured her.

Meanwhile, I couldn't wait to see Guilherme. When we heard the goat's final scream, Alex jumped up, looking like she might start crying at any moment.

"Wanna leave?" I asked, and that's when Guilherme appeared at the door, holding the goat with its head dangling, blood everywhere. In seconds, poor Alex passed out, and I managed to catch her before she fell, placing her on the bed.

"That's better," Guilherme said, placing the goat on the floor in the hallway. "Leave her there. She'll be out for a few minutes."

I realized he had intentionally left us alone.

"It's good to see you again, dear mother," he said, smiling.

"Likewise," I replied. He approached and asked, "I know we barely know each other, but... would you allow me to give you the kiss of death?" He sounded cute, asking in an insecure manner. "It certainly wouldn't kill you."

I said nothing, just stood there as he got closer. He raised his left hand, bringing it closer to my face, tilted his head, breathed close to my neck, and then I felt his kiss. I expected pain, anything, but felt nothing but deep pleasure. He hugged me, still kissing my neck, and I hugged him back. His kiss grew hotter, and I thought I might be part of an RPG game as I felt no pain. The kiss felt good, and I didn't want him to stop. Until I felt a slight dizziness. He held me, taking me to a couch in the room. He sat me there, making sure I was comfortable, then approached Alex again, kissing the other side of her neck. After a while, he raised his head, satisfied, and that's when I saw the blood in his mouth and his pointed teeth. My blood pressure dropped, and I felt weaker. When I tried to get up, he gently placed his hand on my shoulder, saying:

"Not yet, mother. You shouldn't make any effort now. Wait for your strength to return to you." He brought his hand to my face, caressing me. "Oh, how delicious you are. I feel completely regenerated, fully capable of exercising my powers."

"Powers?" I almost couldn't speak.

"Don't worry about that now. It remains to be seen what I can do."

"Yes." It was the only thing I could answer before blacking out.

I woke up to Alex's terrified look.

"What happened?" she asked, scared.

"I think we fainted from the goat scene," I lied. "Let's go now. It's not good for us to stay here," I suggested, and she immediately agreed. As we left, I felt Guilherme watching me, but I followed the group's instructions and didn't look around to find him.

Cesar was sleeping when I got home, but I went to wake him up that night.

"What do you want..." he mumbled, still lying down.

"Guess what?" I said, excited.

"Lilian, it's late..."

"I-was-bitten!" I said, all serene and happy.


"He must have sucked all my blood... look..." I said, stretching my neck. "I think you can still see the marks."

Cesar sat on the bed and turned on the lamp to see better. He touched my neck, looking for a mark, until he saw a small stain of blood on my clothes.

His expression changed radically.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" I was scared, while he seemed out of his mind.

"It was nothing, I..."

"Nothing?!" he asked, getting up from the bed, nervous.

"Calm down," I asked, scared.

"You could be transforming right now, and you want me to stay calm?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

"It was nothing! Cesar, seriously, I don't feel anything," I said, trying to calm him down. He was angry, pacing around the room, thinking about what had just happened. I got up too, and as I was about to try to get closer, he said:

"Enough! This ends now. This joke with vampires has gone too far."

I understood what he was saying, but I couldn't let this opportunity pass. When I was younger, I had my phase of being obsessed with vampires, and meeting one was all I wanted most. Guilherme is handsome and seems calm, he didn't seem to pose any threat to me. Other than that, there was the fact that I wasn't going to die. He could suck all the blood he wanted from me, and in a few hours, I would be new again. In other words, there was no reason to leave.

"No," I replied quietly, without the courage to contradict him but defending my will.

"What did you say?!" he asked, looking at me. I didn't have the courage to respond.

"If you become one of them, I'm coming after you."

I was impressed by his reaction and went to my room.

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