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(external narrator)

At home, Cesar immediately noticed Guilherme's arrival. He went to the living room window, which was dimly lit, and observed from a distance. Although he considered approaching, memories of his recent argument with Lilian held him back. He decided to refrain from intervening for the time being, but was adamant about preventing Guilherme from drinking her blood.

As the two figures vanished before his eyes, Cesar's anger surged.

Cesar seethed with rage. Just as the vampires had disappeared with Lilian, he contemplated doing the same. Thoughts raced through his mind—should he relocate or simply leave? They could even return to Brazil if that's what Lilian desired, but he refused to spend another night in that place.

His fury propelled him into action. Grabbing some bags, he headed to Lilian's closet. He rifled through her drawers, hastily packing a suitcase with a few essential items, intending to provide her with a change of clothes. Amidst the frenzy of packing, a necklace slipped from his grasp.

He stooped to retrieve the necklace, examining it closely. Though not an expert, he recognized its considerable value.

Recalling a recent occasion when he had moved furniture in her room with the help of household staff for wall repairs, he realized that Lilian must have acquired the necklace since then. This revelation hinted that she was still accepting gifts from Ian.

His mind reeled. Only last night, he had assumed they were finally a couple, but the presence of the necklace shattered that illusion completely.

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