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I strolled down the street with thoughts of Ian swirling in my mind when I sensed someone's presence. Glancing up, I spotted two figures leaping between buildings, seemingly engaged in a heated pursuit. One of them bore a striking resemblance to Ron, prompting me to scale the building they had vanished into as swiftly as possible. Upon reaching the top, I cautiously peered around the corner.

There, the two immortals clashed in a fierce battle. It was evident that one of them was Ron, but the unfolding events were murky, leaving me unsure of who was fleeing or what exactly was happening. Suddenly, the other immortal inflicted a serious injury on Ron, causing him to scream in agony. Realizing Ron's life was at stake, I knew I had to intervene.

"HEY!" I shouted, capturing the attention of the other immortal and diverting his focus away from Ron. My aim was to buy Ron some time to defend himself or react.

My heart raced when I saw the man's face. It was Joe, my Joe! Forgetting about Ron, he took a step toward me with a crazed look in his eyes and nonchalantly responded, "Hey." Then, he bolted towards the adjacent building and disappeared.

I stood there in shock until I heard Ron groaning. Only then did I rush over to him to offer assistance.


"I'll survive..." he joked, wincing in pain.

"But the pain... Can I do anything to help?"

"It'll go away soon, don't worry. Aaaarrgh..." he winced, lying down on the ground. Before slipping into unconsciousness, he clarified, "It's not him."

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now