Begin with him

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(external narrator)

Mary was in disarray, practically catatonic on the floor, with only occasional tears still falling as she babbled unintelligibly. Then, she heard the footsteps of someone approaching calmly, the distinct sound of heels clicking against the floor. She gradually regained her senses and attempted to sit up, but hesitated halfway, lacking the courage to look up. Then, she heard Adile's melodious voice.

"Give me your hand," Adile said.

Mary settled back down, crossing her legs and extending one hand into the air. Adile gracefully bent down and gently clasped Mary's hand. As they locked eyes, Adile spoke in her rhythmic tone.

"With this hand, you bring life to those who slumber," Adile murmured, her gaze shifting to Mary's other hand. Mary obediently raised her other hand, watching intently.

"And with this one, you take it away," Adile continued. She then closed Mary's hand in hers. "The immortal who seeks you knows too much. I am concealing this conversation, but he will discern your thoughts once I depart."

Adile drew closer and whispered, "Begin with him."

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