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I woke up in the middle of the night to Cesar calling me. He knocked and tried to open the door.

"Go away!" I shouted.

"You said you wanted to talk, now let's talk."

"I don't want to talk anymore!"

I heard a commotion outside, then recognized Ron's voice.

"What are you doing, man?"

"Stay out of this."

Ron kept insisting, but Cesar seemed different.

"That doesn't concern you!"

I heard Ron's voice, but I couldn't make out what he was saying. Then there was a loud knock on the door, and I got scared. Cesar was trying to break in.

Earlier, Ron had taken me to the gun room in the house, and I grabbed a pistol and a rifle (I'm not sure of the exact name). He showed me how to remove the safety, and that's all I needed.

Trembling, I got out of bed and picked up the rifle, trying to stay calm enough to load it. Meanwhile, Cesar tried again, but failed. Finally, I stood up, aiming the rifle at the door. Cesar tried once more, managing to open the double doors. He was frightened when he saw me armed, but then he seemed to get even angrier.

"Put it down."

"I don't want to talk."

"Let's talk!"

"Stay away!"

"Seriously, there's no need for that," Ron insisted, but it only seemed to enrage Cesar further.

"Stop playing with it!"

"She's going to shoot, Cesar. Back off!"

"Fuck you, Ron!" he screamed. "Lilian, this is my last warning. Put that thing down or..."

"No!" I replied, almost in tears. Then he stepped forward, and I fired.

Cesar flew backward, the shot opening a huge wound in his chest. Blood gushed everywhere, even splashing a little on Ron's face. It was a horrifying scene to me, and trembling, I dropped the rifle, sinking down next to the bed. I was shaking and couldn't catch my breath.

"Lilian!" Ron ran. "Lilly, listen to me. Breathe, baby, breathe."

I couldn't. It felt like I was shaking so much that I had lost control over my body.

"So horrible, Ron," I said. "That was so horrible."

"It's over now. You can relax."

But I couldn't.

"I killed Cesar!" I realized. "I killed him, Ron!"

"It was self-defense. He threatened you."

I was so tense that I thought I couldn't move. Ron hugged me, helping me sit on the bed.

"It was horrible... horrible..."

"Don't dwell on that now."

"But he was..."

"I know."

"He was going to attack me again! Did you see his face?"

"He wasn't himself."

"Why is Cesar attacking me now? He was supposed to protect me! Why does he want to kill me now? Help, Ron!"

When I thought I was feeling better, I looked at Cesar. The scene was still horrific, and my breath caught again.

"I can't look, I can't look."

"He'll be okay, Poodle. Let's get things to clean up this mess."

Just walking felt strange to me. I felt stuck, unable to move properly. Back in the bedroom, I focused on cleaning up with my back to him. Ron and I spent some time in silence.

When Cesar returned, there was little left to clean. I was still shaken when I realized he sat down, hugging his knees for a few seconds.

"Welcome back," said Ron. "Are you okay?"

I didn't hear the response, but I understood that it was affirmative. Cesar took off his shirt to help clean the blood underneath him. He got up and, still without saying anything, went to the bathroom.

"Keep wiping," Ron said softly, turning to clean the floor. I turned around and helped him.

After finishing the cleaning, another wave of agony hit me.

"I don't want to sleep here."

"Go ahead and use another room. I'll come up with something to tell the staff in the morning."

Real.Doc - Part 1 (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now